The 9 of Swords can signify, amongst many other things, disturbed sleep and NIGHTMARES AAAGH! Nightmares are your sub-conscious coming forward to be noticed and for you to seriously address… the scarier the dream the more intense are your emotions about whatever is bothering you, and you aren’t owning. 

Share time: my recent nightmare involved me fiercely falling (fyi one always wakes up before one hits the hard concrete or water or whatever one is falling towards :/) – definitely a mirror of me feeling out of control (just detest being kept waiting for medical test results ecch!! – sadly, i allowed someone with little knowledge to put fears in my head many years ago, and still obviously haven’t let them go – it’s getting really old!). So all good – affirming, visualising, meditating, white-lighting, writing this cathartic blog  – knowing all is just fine. I know many of you can relate… 😉

Look at your nightmares – they are serious tell-tale signs – and usually fairly obvious given your current circumstances – as to what is going on within. Nightmares don’t predict, they are a big reveal… tell me, what’s your head doing in bed…?

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age
♥PERSONAL  EMAIL READINGS:  https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/


Your Daily Tarot is the 9 of SwordsNumber 9 is a humanitarian digit and Swords (Air element) refer to the mind, mentality, thinking & communication. Given this, isn’t it about time you showed some humanity towards your headspace? Isn’t it sensible to turn your negative mind chatter off and host your brain for positive thoughts? It so is! Try to shelve those fears and focus on what you do have control or power over – and that would be your thoughts. Put boundaries in place with situations or people who tend to be trigger points for your anxiety. Just remember that the next person you deal with or the next situation that arises could include just what you need right now in the way of love, work, finances or peace of mind! Meditate on it…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

EMAIL READINGS: ORDER FROM  https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/