Category Archives: Capricorn Full Moon
Roll up for the CAPRICORN FULL MOON Saturday 12 July 2014 09:24:54 pm (AEST) 20 degrees Capricorn: Expect your ideas regarding your career or calling to be bounced around. And with the Cardinal Grand Cross completed by the Mars/Uranus opposition, in lay-people’s terms, means you might just change your plans – and quite radically! This next 2.5 (+ or -) days is about personal growth that ultimately brings a secure, stable and tangible outcome, but you need to pull out your resources in order to get to this place first. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) or those with strong Cardinal placements in their horoscope hold the spotlight. ~ Light on
Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
On-point Email Readings
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’
Capricorn Full Moon: Goat Force!
The stoic Capricorn Full Moon (2 degrees) occurs June 23, 9.32pm, Sydney, instantly bringing resistance to the surface, because the emotional Moon is devoid of feeling in Capricorn. On the flip side, if further commitment or solid headway is on the agenda, you have the grounded strength to follow through.
FYI this is the largest Full Moon in 2013 (this Full Moon is nearer to Earth than the others in 2013), so expect it to bring some ebb and flow into your personal equation – focus on those of you with strong Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) active in your make-up.
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age