Betrayal is when your feelings are disregarded, there is no appreciation shown for your love and devotion. It is when your trust is purposely broken, a line is crossed, when a union is disrespected. Betrayal  is when someone you trust does something they know is not legit.
The Moon, 3 of Swords & 3 of Cups reversed, either individually placed or in combo with one another, can point to betrayal in a Tarot spread. For example, the 3 of Cups beside the 2 of Cups, The Lovers or a Court card (a King, Queen, Knight or Page of any suit) can designate betrayal in a relationship –  with a third-party interference often being the case. The 3 of Swords next to the Justice card reversed may mean betrayal within a marriage, leading to divorce, or involving another form of legal commitment. Or what about The Moon next to the Four of Wands meaning betrayal on the homefront or with a property purchase… And so the story continues with other cards. Start spreading…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age


The new royal rogue appears to be a boy! With 3 male Court cards showing in the spread – maybe triplets – maybe 3 boys over time… Discreetly covering myself here: Court cards often depict the Gender Identification of the baby/person in question, rather than the biological gender – so maybe the 1st bub is a Butch Female baby... And given that the Royals have so urgently and fairly changed the system so that girls can be 1st in line for throne, i’m pulled…  

Kris xx Mistress of New Age