For the first time in a while all Planets are moving Direct! This means you have no excuse to continue staying stuck (Taurus), hanging on (Cancer), procrastinating (Libra), holding on (Scorpio)… It means you have no choice but to give up your dumping of anger (Aries), your scattering of energies (Gemini), your false pride (Leo), your worry-warting (Virgo), your control-freaking (Capricorn)… The word is you can start moving again (Sagittarius), begin connecting finally (Aquarius), stop wallowing at last (Pisces)…

2013 make it obscene…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

AIR AND FIRE UNITE – Uranus Direct!

Uranus’ tornado travel through dare-devil Aries began March 2011 and will continue until 2018. This will create change over a 7-year generation time-span, whereby this Aries Uranus makes our consciousness (personally and collectively) step up and impact our lives and planet in a dynamic way. This combination of energies can either be a cyclonic catastrophe or winds of change.

The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) will experience more dramatic modifications within self, regarding relationships and associated with career. The other members of the Fire triad (Leo & Sagittarius) will find the changes more free-flowing and less challenging, particularly in connection with personal travel on all levels and creativity of all denominations. Gemini and Aquarius receive a nice ‘second-chance’ option associated with life plans and love matters. And, last but not least, Taurus and Pisces enjoy some subtle shifts in consciousness and pleasant financial jolts.

Here’s the deal: Uranus in Aries can be all-good if you choose to see past your ego, be innovative with your actions, lose those disruptive impulses, own your trip-ups, cash in on your individuality and encompass all of who you truly are. This is a 7-year spread to take a calculated risk, jump into that scary place, promote your talents and be Number One doing it all. Go hard, go fast, and stay focussed until you get there!

Kris xx Mistress of New Age





Uranus’ Sextile to Jupiter is busy revving up your restlessness, but in such an awesome way! If you’re tapping your foot to travel, wishing for a work shift, starving for sexual satisfaction or hungering for inner happiness, there’s a second-chance on its way. Uranus turns direct today, which should relieve the pressure big-time (despite Jupiter not turning direct until 30 January 2013). Many amongst us should feel a nice personal shift.

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Mercury goes direct!

 8.47AM EST Tuesday 27 November 2012

Talk the talk again… have that overdue convo, make the call, send those messages… receive that info, respond to the text, find that email… download those tunes, have that catch-up, reply to the blog, comment on a pic, brainstorm ideas… get those results, send the application, correspond with the CEO… plan a holiday, take a road trip, chat with that hottie, book a room…!

Kris xx
Mistress of New Age