Read your May Herascope girls, bois & boys:
It might just turn your Light on 😉
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Read your May Herascope girls, bois & boys:
It might just turn your Light on 😉
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Australia is way behind peeps (duh!) – our government is denying simple human rights by refusing gay marriage. Old news, but it’s on repeat until the ‘leaders’ fast-forward to the 21st century…! Watch for an exodus of the GLBTI community to New Zealand: the country that first gave women the vote, who respect their indigenous community, and now offer marriage to GLBTI couples. So what then? They get married in NZ and come back to Oz, and their marriage vows are not recognised – that’s what. It sucks from head to toe – heartbreaking…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
So there’s been progress internationally on the gay marriage issue, but like what’s the deal in Oz… is the big block that Pluto is currently in conservative Capricorn and Australia is a Capricorn country – ergo the pollies of Oz are scared to move outside the box? Meanwhile, our Western cousins: those pompous pollies in the United Kingdom and red-necked pollies in USA, are basically banging behind same-sex marriage. Equality and human rights for ‘gays’ to have a recognised marriage to the person they love is happening in these countries. It’s a no-go in Australia – the land of freedom – the country of ‘fair go, mate’! In most schools of Astrology, Australia has Sagittarius rising – the free-and-easy, laid-back sign… Uranus in Aries’ Trine to Australia’s Ascendant has to be a positive thing for the GLBTI community -waiting until Pluto enters revolutionary Aquarius in 2023 isn’t an option. Fingers crossed that Australia’s current prime-minister (who has a hidden agenda to be liked by everyone) heeds her wake-up call!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Look, i’m not about to stereotype what a lesbian looks like/acts like – because gay/queer women come in all shapes and sizes, and present in a whole range of different identities… but my psychic-ability-come-gaydar switches to highbeam when i see the hypocrisy exhibited by one of the spokeswomen jumping up and down for engaging-homosexuals to receive the death penalty in Uganda ASAP. She just screams ‘CLOSET DYKE’!… her self-hatred, denial and shame must be so huge that she has to project onto others… she would get my pity for her ignorance, if she wasn’t such a deadly discriminator and full-blown phony … grrrr. Uranus in Aries, stop being so self-oriented and do your global ‘It’s-okay-to-be-who-you-are’ thing already!
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Black Obama is re-elected & declares (paraphrasing): ‘inclusion for gay or straight; black, white, or in between’… Gay Benjamin wins Aussie Big Bro & proposes to his boyfriend on live TV…
The Age of Aquarius is upon us… Blessed be!
Kris xx
Mistress of New Age