So Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is currently doing Scorpio; while Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is getting cosy with Capricorn – and both are making a nice Sextile to one another. This is called a Mutual Reception in Astrology, and what it means in lay-people terms, is that the intensely emotional qualities of Scorpio are being put into line by Master Saturn; and the rather rigid tendencies of Saturn are being softened up and transformed by Princess Pluto. What does this mean for us globally & personally? Generally speaking, all things governmental, institutional, establishment-al, constitutional, insurable and seriously structured will be torn down and reborn – fingers-crossed for the absolute better of all concerned! Anything dripping in medical, psychological, taxable, birth-and-death-relatable, sexually-oriented will get a once-over reality check and work and fit better into our individual lives. Personally, I’m putting out to Ms Universe for Medicare to slap Veterinary fees on their books…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age