Category Archives: Saturn in Scorpio
As Saturn – the planet most associated with politics – settles into free-range Sagittarius on 21 September (after 2.5 years in back-biting Scorpio) possibly this undemocratic Australian prime minister musical chairs will cease (i live in Sagittarian optimism!).
*ADDIT FROM PREVIOUS POST Saturn Direct: Gloves On!
With Saturn now moving forward, it’s also time to draw some definite lines in the sand, mark your territory and rebuild your boundaries! For many (focus on Fixed signs: Taurus Leo Scorpio & Aquarius), boundaries became a little blurry for a while, particularly in regards to people crossing the line in regards to your personal space, your home, your possessions, your body, your head-space! You won’t be allowing this again…
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Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Taskmistress Saturn has turned direct again in the dark and still waterways of sister Scorpio. During her recent retro movement, Saturn has nudged you to incorporate in your life the lessons from the shifts that occurred maybe as far back as October 2012. So you’ve had some solid time to digest the information and put the knowledge into practice. Saturn dominates the structures of your life, your integrity, and your dailies – i.e. bills, business, budget – and now is the time to put your gloves on and make sure they are in good shape. Check out the house Saturn is in, that she rules, and the aspects she makes to other planets or points in your chart, to see where you specifically need to check all is in order.
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Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Saturn is busy doing her slow hurricane on Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius (and those with strong Fixed Sign placements in their chart) right about now – as she moves two steps forwards and three steps backwards during her Retrograde dance. In lay-peep’s translation, this means Saturn is seriously challenging the Fixed Signs. She is about redefining direction, dealing with reality checks, and working harder towards goals. Wake-up calls concerning relationships are definitely on the Saturn bucket list, clearly defining who is real and who is seriously bad news. A good dose of patience + honesty equals major rewards on all levels, and looking after YOU becomes top priority! So who is guilty of letting themselves down…?
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Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Saturn in Scorpio = judging women’s sex-appeal! What a joke, some bigoted, arrogant, chauvinistic, misogynist, small-dick er minded jerks giving their insignificant opinion on women’s naked bodies on Denmark TV – with some archaic mentality that men can’t control their sexual needs and women don’t enjoy sex … and sad women who have limited self-esteem volunteering to be judged like horses, while not allowed to verbally talk – all under the guise of some intellectual experiment… oh pullease…
Light off…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
The intense Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Sydney: April 26 2013, 5.57am) strokes the depths of your emotional core and urges you to go within and look at what is real for you. Whatever you have been kidding yourself about will stare you in the face, because the Scorpio Full Moon insists you uncover your personal secrets.
Anchored Saturn in Scorpio is the Moon’s right hand girl, offering you the big reality reveal. Saturn steps on her soapbox about you needing to deal with what is in your life, rather than get swept away with illusion. Saturn in Scorpio takes the stand that you take no shite into the next chapter of your life. Additionally, the Moon’s sextile to Pluto (who is perfectly trined to sensuous Venus), says you can expect seduction and passion to race through your private world.
This Scorpio Eclipse wants you to be savagely truthful with all the zones of your life – your relationships, your love-life, your career
Turn things over in your private moments and formulate a game plan. It’s about moving forward on whatever it is you truly want to manifest. Do it now!
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Kris xx Mistress of New Age
CATERPILLAR TO BUTTERFLY! = Capricorn Pluto square Aries Uranus + Scorpio Saturn
With a Capricorn Pluto bringing intense situations from the past back into your zone, it’s a case of transform (Pluto) the old (Capricorn) into something brand new (squaring Uranus in Aries)! It’s all about reinventing yourself to make the old situation fit the present. And with Saturn in Scorpio also on board, we are working hard to make our old deep relating/sexual psychology take on a new Light. News is that many peeps are hooking up with past lovers in efforts to fan the flame from a better angle, tackling old jobs on a different level, making a sea/tree-change with a cooler attitude, or addressing a repetitive health issue from another slant.A quickie share: i am currently re-seeing (yes, seeing one another in a new Light – so Pluto!) someone i was involved with a few years back – we both suspected there was unfinished business (fyi our individual Saturns sit on one another’s Suns – big ‘meant to be’ and lesson-learning flavour between close associations generally), and after rebuilding a solid friendship over the last few months (so Sagittarius/Aquarius – revisit my post re Sextile Sun Signs), our intimate connection has morphed into something magical, that has been a major surprise (Uranus) to both of us! It is what it is, and it’s something special… So check how your past circumstances – relationship, work, health-linked, etc. – have been reawakened, restyled, and reborn…
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Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Interesting that Scorpio (amongst other more palatable items) rules the waste-ways, sewers, toilets, gutters & everyday general sh*t!! Scorpio also rules the bitch in all of us, so if yours isn’t coming to the surface to be dealt with, expect a late birth (fyi Scorpio rules birth too!). It’s even more interesting that Saturn-the-Restrictor is currently laying down the law in Scorpio and ‘forcing’ us to look at the bullsh*t in our lives and change things up in a tangible way (Saturn is all about hands-on). So if you aren’t calling your lover, partner, family member, friend or workmate on their BS, do it ASAP! It will free up your mind, free your emotions, free yourself & free the other person. Oh, and pick your plumbers & cleaners carefully too…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age