The Sun and Pluto are currently occupying Virgo and Capricorn respectively, making a gorgeous Earth Trine! This provides us with the power to create and transform structures personally and globally – to take care of our little Worlds, to heal our Planet Earth! Sun Trine Pluto is about ego transformation in a very tangible way – you are in for the long haul to reach an internal space that works for you. The Sun/Pluto Trine is a potent combo, and allows for you to take control of yourself and your life – making some extreme alterations where it counts. On a political note, it may involve someone Earthy powering up the country. Australia currently has a Virgo (Earth) PM – he’s in a ‘9’ personal numerological year, so it could swing both ways: that is, it could mean he is there for the people or ends a very long chapter …. let’s see how it pans out…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age