“The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
Andy Rooney ”
DOGS NEVER GROW UP! They are forever 2.5 years old! They are our child within – our terrible 2’s. They are our best mates, a big part of our family – our furkids, we hurt when they hurt. We expect anyone who comes close to us to respect our relationship with them and to treat them with respect. Dogs pick up every nuance that occurs around them and latch onto what you experience emotionally. They take any negativity that occurs as their fault – just like a 2.5 y.o. kid! You owe it to them to give any dumpers in your life a quick flick! Your dog knows how they tick and who ticks you off… Hey, sign says ‘BEWARE OF PEOPLE’…!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age