The Moon Square Neptune – although fleeting – may bring haunting issues from your past back on board, as you run the risk of creating emotional situations that may undermine your well being and happiness. Confusion does a touchdown, you are unlikely to see the big picture, and you could feel deceived or experience a bout of self-deception. The desire to take flight is on standby, as your sensitivity is on highbeam, and your fantasies and dreams are bracing for crash-and-burn mode.

Clearly this is the time to be definite about your actions, to get real with your dialogue, and be transparent about your intentions. Be clear about what you mean before you are misinterpreted, and ask what others mean before you misinterpret. But don’t allow anyone to pull the wool over your eyes or cave to their martyrdom/victim mentality – and don’t let yourself go there either.

Take action during this Moon square Neptune transit by blocking those from your life who refuse to respect your sensibilities. The cosmic energy right now is prone to emotional dramas and meltdowns, and this is your red light to clear the cobwebs and open your door to healthier connections. And as the haze disperses, you will understand the lesson and smile… 🙂

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

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