![Photo: ~~BOOK RECOMMENDATION~~ ... Kris Fontaine QA (FAA Dip.) ~ Mistress of New Age</p> <p> 'WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY...' by EVANIA...<br /> Knowing what so many of my clients are going through, have gone through and hope to get to, this book is so worth reading - ASAP - to assist you to steer your journey more towards self-love and enlightenment.</p> <p>I, Kris Fontaine, highly recommend this amazing book, written by Reiki Master (still think it should be Mistress ;) ), EVANIA ... this book has the potential to awaken the reader to the miracle that can happen when synchronicity brings traumatised strangers together - a druggie, DMV victim & corporate highflier - and together they surprisingly connect during their quest to find answers for themselves and how they allowed their lives to steer off course. They realise they are all one - that it doesn't matter where you have come from, who you think you are, or what you 'do', they are on a similar journey and can support one another through the challenges and experience that arise. As they change, so does the world as they once saw it - for the better! - and they watch as everyone in their path starts to transform to who they truly are. Read this book, and you too can get a feel as to how powerful your creative powers can be and how your actions, words, thoughts, and being can impact your life and those around you. It's a great read too :) ...<br /> Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) ~ Mistress of New Age</p> <p>ORDER YOURS NOW:<br /> "WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY.." Journeys of Self-empowerment and Transformation by EVANIA<br /> (Balboa Press) Special signed copies from the author can be ordered AUD21.00 (inc P&H in Aust only), or order from Balboa Press. RRP AUD22.99 or USD14.99. Also available as an e-book, and available on Amazon and other places at varying prices.<br /> EVANIA<br /> www.healingwithreiki.com.au<br /> Mobile: 0412668795</p> <p>**A CD of the guided meditations will be available soon from Evania for AUD$10 (inc P&H) by ordering evania77@hotmail.com The Picture "Change of Face" by David Mesple is available to purchase as signed and numbered prints for US75.00 (inc P&H) from the artist at themesple@yahoo.com </p> <p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/p480x480/1798756_522545584527014_1707427914_n.jpg)
“WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY..” Journeys of Self-empowerment and Transformation by EVANIA
(Balboa Press) Special signed copies from the author can be ordered AUD21.00 (inc P&H in Aust only), or order from Balboa Press. RRP AUD22.99 or USD14.99. Also available as an e-book, and available on Amazon and other places at varying prices.
www.healingwithreiki.com.au (Evania – Reiki Master & Teacher)
www.rspca.org.au/ (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
www.ifaw.org/australia (International Fund for Animal Welfare)
www.wwf.org.au/ (World Wide Fund for Nature)
http://www.wires.org.au/ (WIRES)
www.guidedogsaustralia.com (Guide Dogs)
www.sydney.edu.au (Sydney Uni Vet Hospital)
www.all-one.org (The All-One Foundation)
www.amnesty.org.au/ (Amnesty International)
www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/default.html (Fair Trading NSW)
www.wwda.org.au/ (Women with Disabilities Australia)
www.worldvision.com.au/Home.aspx (World Vision Australia)
www.allout.org/ GLBTQI Equality Everywhere
www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx? (Beyond Blue)