With the Queen of Romance, Neptune, swapping poetry, comparing romantic holidays, lighting candles, shopping for rings …shedding tears, feeling confused, yearning for his/her call, remembering how it use to be, holding onto a damaged dream with Madam Pisces – someone needs a reality check! Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) – or those with a Mutable sign strongly placed: maybe you need to stop escaping and deal with what is really going down…? Come out from your web of uncertainty, check into your feelings, and free yourself up to do a fresh love lap. On your mark…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Kris you’re so amazing my son is a Virgo and is going through what you’re status says . I was so disappointed with myself thinking I did a bad job as a mum but now I understand better .
Oh Sue, sorry to hear about your son, but he will pull through – eventually… it has nothing to do with how you mothered him – this is his stuff/his learning – you are a great mum! Kris 🙂