I’ve said it before and, after having to leave a regular cafe haunt because smoke was filtering through the open door from the outside tables on the weekend, I need to say it again…So over suffering from the smoke inhalation streaming from selfish smokers! Other countries have it going on – no smoking in any public place, a healthy distance away from kids coming out of schools, non-smokers not having to breathe in second-hand smoke coming out of a health practice, after a hard day’s work, post enjoying a show, while partaking of a meal al fresco, when dog-walking, sitting in a park, walking along the sand… Over the cigarette butts that the tossers pepper the streets with, throw on the beaches, slip down the drains… Sick of choking on the smoke, when it isn’t my choice, nor my mother’s, or my lover’s, not my brother’s, and definitely not my dogs. Smoking is an addiction – but it’s their addiction, not ours! It’s so uncool to smoke in this damage controlled 21st Century – everyone knows it’s a health time bomb waiting to go off! They can keep the in-denial overkilled cliches ‘i could die being knocked down by a truck tomorrow so smoking is fine’ or ‘the cars fumes are more likely to affect you than fag fumes!’ Just over even talking about it… Over & out (cough!)

Don’t Light up…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

2 thoughts on “PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE!

  1. So sorry to hear that Jenny – this stuff needs to be known – it’s hideous!

    I’m well thanks – hope you are getting lots of support…

    Kris xx

  2. I have emphasymia because of passive smoking and obstructive air ways disease, and I have never smoked a cigarette in my life Kris. I am do kidding, it is a crime to smoke and inflict this onto people, in my opinion. Hope you are well. Jenny Evans xxoo

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