MOON IN PISCES swishes through your system over the next 2.5 days… Not up to facing reality? Whatever doesn’t fit right needs to be seen in the Light of day, with all details present – so you can make an informed decision. Lose the false sentiment, shelve your over-active imagination, and keep your boundaries tight. Falling for fantasy-filled fakery is not an option!
On the flip side, switching to spiritual or mystical zones is helpful, succumbing to creativity a must-do, retreating into semi-solitude makes your day, and being close to salty water becomes your saviour.
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Travel well Bobbie … Kris 🙂
Thanks. This has really confirmed& consolidated what things have come to light, esp in the last few days! It has also given me the green light to follow my desires to live& be by the salty sea! Many, many thanks! 🙂