For my Sistas – you go Girls!: Moon in Scorpio over the next 2.5 days, and with this Moon placement you have the option of digging deep and finding forgiveness for others – and this is in order to free yourself, not to condone the action of another. This does not qualify you to forget or excuse what may have been an insult, affront or attack on you! It was their choice to behave in a certain way, now it becomes your choice not to accept this in your life again. If it is a repeated pattern in your world, then it’s time to drop the bad designand create something prettier for yourself. Remember, words are cheap, sorry is for self-gain, denial is loud, blame is boring and playing victim is never an option! Allow the Eagle magic of Scorpio to take you to a higher place of relating and being… NOW!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age