Whatever you choose to do or feel over the next 2.5 days, with the Moon in Scorpio, intensity will be your middle name! Expect to experience passion, happiness, desire, sadness on a seriously deep level, as you are prodded to get to the bottom of what is happening. Your instincts are fully wired, and anything superficial just won’t cut it – it’s fully mysterious, or nothing at all! In the throes of things, the Scorpio Moon prompts you to reclaim your power and flick off anything or anyone who is limiting your progress.
Simultaneously, be vigilant in overthrowing any ugly manipulative, suspicious or sulky tendencies that may reveal their faces, as they will only interfere with your personal plans. It’s also the perfect Moon time to recycle, sort your taxes, take up psychology or find a therapist, and do a little self-examination.
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
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