The Stalking Ex (or SEx) is so not an unusual event, by any stretch of the … um … imagination… but with Scorp Saturn (sexual frustration) squaring Aquarius Mars (group action) right about now, there currently seems to be an influx of these crazed creatures. You know the type, they like to roam in pairs, flicking their self-righteous, hypocritical, two-faced, self-pitying poison wherever they go. These are the keyboard cowards, hiding behind the ‘safety’ of a screen, basking in their denial, unsuccessfully hoping to keep their professional or public face in tact, telling their one-sided story to whoever will listen (yawn!). The passive-aggressive professional victims, the unethical losers, the boundariless bores, the ones who refuse to let go (but profess not to care – yeah right!) – the type who gather in groups, and try to pull recruits, going in for the kill, as their ex-target ends the next relationship. You can almost hear the SEx’s thought process, something like: ‘oh good, here comes another of my ex’s cast-offs – i know, i will pop on my ill-fitting compassionate hat and get another ally for my collection – that will make me RIGHT and the ex WRONG!’ – you gotta laugh at the mentality… Meanwhile, the SEx’s exes come to you with their parallel story of how hideous life was with these tortured souls – but you have enough sense and maturity not to get into the toxic drama or lower yourself to the SEx’s level. Yanno, it doesn’t matter how flat you make a hot cake, it always has two sides, and anyone with any sense would not be sucked in by the Stalking Ex’s sad ways – only maybe another of your scorned exes who can’t look at their own behaviour. Solution: stay strong, know who you are, keep real , and don’t sweat the small stuff – and, remember, the Stalking Ex is suffering in their own stale juices… sending Light…

2013 make it obscene…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


  1. these S ex’s we are just giving them more power and, satisfying the effects they are having on the person they are stalking! Keep the light on and, leave the darkness to itself! Leigh& Nicole

  2. Hi Kris
    I’d be inclined to seek legal advice regarding the content of the messages and the personality at play behind the messages received. Considering the person is supposedly in the profession of helping people with mental health problems, it appears they need to seek professional help themselves. I’ll PM you several resources that you can contact in case you get any further messages from this person. If you require, there are immediate solutions available for this particular problem, as there is an association that maintains the professional quality of its members and legislation is in place to deal with these unpleasant issues before they get out of hand.

    In the meantime, I’ll be looking into this for you even further.

    Stay safe

    • Hi Max
      Thanks for your prompt reply, concern, assistance and recommendations. I’m sure this will be helpful for others reading this blog who are being harassed or bullied by someone with a professional persona online or in the real world.
      Kris (& Kym)

  3. Yey, morning tea break at work. Time to catch up on Kris’s blogs. Heavy reading indeed. I noticed you had a similar blog going back a bit through them. No one needs bullying of any sort. Sometimes people who have been bullied so often themselves they turn it around. No excuse but, one can see why this happens. Those being bullied should either talk to the person/ex re stopping, get some legal advice. Most importantly, they mustn’t fuel the fire as it is not worth it! Don’t sweat the small stuff and, when it comes down to it, it is all small stuff. Can’t remember who wrote that beauty.
    Tread lightly Kris

    • Hey Leigh… hope you enjoyed your morning break & thanx for your input 🙂 …Indeed the abused can become the abuser. Totally agree about not sweating the small stuff too – great quote.
      Kris lightly doing it…

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