
Clearly, it’s time to eliminate toxic elements from your personal and  financial zones in order to achieve your goals. Kick things off by removing  yourself from a tangled relationship….


It clicks within, Taurus. You’re over the frozen  bedclothes, the messy moments and the un-popped plans. Change becomes a  must-have for your personal happiness.


Mars powers up your  relationship zone, as you answer the hard questions or ask the ones you’ve been  painfully sitting on. Contradictions could help your decision-making big-time,  Gemini.


Something gets on top of you, Cancer, but in such a  nice way! Saturn offers you more broad-spectrum structure in your world, with  documents to sign and commitments to stamp.


Uranus gives you the  heads-up on finding meaning behind something that’s left you reeling. The trick  is to steer your thinking onto a positive track and accept the  support.


The tend-setting Mars/Uranus trine suggests a  left-field approach to reinventing your living space or getting your flirtation  game on. You need to push harder to attract someone’s attention.


Oh my, Libra, how you tear-up while witnessing a long-time-coming goal  manifest in all its glory! Recent disappointments have hardened you up, but your  inner-sook comes out to play.


The Moon/Mercury team-up asks  you what you have in mind to sort a reproduction issue, fur-kid adoption or  teenager’s future. Make a decision ASAP, or complications could  arise.


Jupiter challenges your geographical position,  while Mars tops up your ambition. Is it about moving to a place that will  support your dream, or taking a job that means changing your address…?


Watch your focus on global or political issues doesn’t  drown out items that need addressing in your personal life. You hardly want to  miss a saucy introduction or date.


Been pulling back from  your current or someone you’re aching to hook-up with? Spoiler: those creative  juices will still flow in a fully-functioning relationship.


Having relocated your ‘assertive’ switch means a nail-biting money matter or  work worry does a one-eighty. There may be a couple of gold bands in the mix  too.


Kris xx

Mistress of New Age
