As 2012 does its finale, you may be experiencing situations reversing and transforming in your life: circumstances coming to an end, valuable people coming back into your life, and worn out relationships creeping into the background or completely leaving your building… It’s the practical face of Pluto in Capricorn unmasked, as she purges toxic elements from your world – ones that are likely to hinder your transition into 2013.

Having paid through the nose for bad 2012 choices and extreme obsessions, it’s time to dig deep for emotional strength, and re-establish your sexual drive. Capricorn likes to file away finished business, calculate new business and pull out your inner Ambition-Ambassador. While Capricorn bathes in Pluto’s therapeutic waters, it’s your cue to revitalise your deepest desires, make passion your business, plunge into the perfect partnership and invest in the best there is. Your standards are rising. Be your own therapist and work your change-room!

Kris xx Mistress of New Age