Tag Archives: Exes
You just have to LOL with total knowing, when gossip-monger Gemini Moon (conjunct Jupiter/square Neptune) does you the courtesy of bringing to light (Neptune) what’s BIG with your once stalky exes! There’s plenty of it being spread around at present, as words (Gemini) once uttered by those exes, show the actions (in flashing neon lights and surround sound – Jupiter & Neptune) just don’tmatch up! The total opposite to their big-noting (Jupiter) dialogue (Gemini) is shown in a mish-mash (Neptune) of obese lies and hilarious actions. Yep, gotta laugh out loud as you send them heaps of Light on their jumbled journey!
2013 make it obscene…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
We all have one of these sad dudes hanging around (Fool reversed/King of Cups reversed) – you know what i mean – the jerky, manipulating, interfering, bullying, scorned ex-lover – who can’t let go, steps over the line, has minimum ethics, and does their dirty work behind the scenes – keyboard cowards – too scared to show their small-minded faces. We’ve all experienced this toxic tyrant – the silent stalker – the one who is totally under the illusion that they go unnoticed – trying to suck in every other ex who shows up after our break-ups – too eager to make us the ‘bad guy’ – empathising with venom.You know the type – the one who has a stream of bad relationships behind them, they are never to blame, they wear their professional victim hat to the hilt, pretend to support any needy cast-offs they pull in – lie through their sharp teeth – behaving like total maggots!
Here’s the big twist: we can see them, we know who they are – we are too emotionally intelligent to hook up with their exes and have a subjective slag match about them. Many an ex-of-an-ex has approached me looking for the sympathy vote, but i won’t enter the gutter zone. Although, just to share, I had to laugh-out-loud after connecting with another of my exes last night (like any exes we have had the lovers-to-friendship teething stage), who has the guts to say things to my face, knows there are always two sides to a situation, owns their stuff, and fully has my back! So cool that Ms Karma inevitably catches up with caustic ex-characters, putting the joke on them.
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age