It’s not rocket science, but it certainly is a sign of the Aquarian times – that is, long-distance relationships, which have been and will be rampant in all romantic communities -intrastate, interstate and global connecting rules the airways … It’s difficult enough bearing up under the frustration of no physical contact, limited facial expressions, stylised conversations (of the one and two-dimensional variety) and serious sexual impasse. Misconceptions, misunderstandings, mad imaginings, major messaging, tantric texting, and email overload… This tends to lead to major combustion, then it’s over and out – or else, one party eventually moves to the other party’s town, usually making a sacrifice of kind, and having to ‘start again’. Currently a very retrograde Gemini Jupiter is making communication (Gemini) just that little bit harder, particularly, as far as long-distance (Jupiter) relationships are concerned. And with the current verbal emotional ejaculator:Saggie Moon, playing with Jupiter, it’s best to keep lips zipped, tongue tight and expectations loose – particularly, if you are doing an LD!
Kris xx Mistress of New Age