On the flip side, don’t let the press take you for a dangerous Gemini Jupiter ride – don’t be sucked in by this gossip girl…  yes the young radio announcers were foolish, but the intention was not to upset anyone – their producer let it go through – the hospital obviously didn’t have enough protocol their end – who knows how severely reprimanded the nurse was for her actions by her heirarchy – are they passing the buck?  Apparently the unfortunate nurse had personal issues that were already making her feel anxious and miserable prior to the prank call. Nobody is to blame for anyone else’s choices – the intention of the silly pranksters was not to harm – it didn’t do any good, for sure – but this particular nurse chose to take her own life. These two radio rascals are suffering – they are remorseful and fragile – there’s fear for their lives. Let’s not encourage another Neptunian nasty… 

Kris xx Mistress of New Age