Since around the April mark of 2011 – since Neptune entered Pisces, giving us a double-hit of uncertainty, confusion and deception (as well as a dose of gorgeous romance, but that’s another show!) – has anyone noticed people you have known for years in the service industries (Pisces/Neptune loves to be of service, and it comes from the heart in many instances, unlike Virgo ‘service providers’ who do it primarily from their head, but again, another show) seemingly disappearing off the face of the Earth, or disappearing within themselves…? We had a longtime electrician for our apartment block, awesome guy – friendly as Libran, you know the type – then suddenly he couldn’t be contacted, his business couldn’t be found. The last time i saw him i asked if he was okay – just a feeling – he didn’t look his usual happy self… Neptunian mystery – you never know what is really going on for someone – particularly if they wear a Neptunian mask. I trust he is travelling well, whatever he has chosen consciously or unconsciously. And from another amazing Libran man who also left suddenly:

Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age