If you’re not feeling the lurve, haven’t felt loved-up in a while, missing the kissing, aching for your partner’s passion, or wishing your next soul-mate would smile at you (note: we tend to have multiple soul-mates in a lifetime – as we shed skins and morph into who we truly are, so our relationships shift, and they either make or break)… try this Feng Shui remedy…
Place in the Far Right corner of your Bedroom:
- 2 Red Cushions
- 2 Red Candles
- 1 Hot Couple Pic
- 1 Sexy Ornament
- 1 Bottle Massage Oil
- 1 Evergreen Plant
- 2 Pink Roses
- 2 drops of Ylang Ylang/2 Drops Rose Essential Oils (burn in this zone regularly)
- Fresh Strawberries & Cream (eat in this zone regularly)
Remove all traces of:
- Anything Ex-Related
- Anything Frayed
- Anything Chipped
- Anything Cracked
- Anything Dripping
- Single Beds
- Dried Flowers
- Break-up DVD’s
- Love-Sick Novels
- Stained Sheets
- Recycled Toys
Love-Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age