PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS brought those dirty hidden dark global truths to Light – … PLUTO IN CAPRICORN is bringing them to call! Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) ~ Mistress of New Age
PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS brought those dirty hidden dark global truths to Light – … PLUTO IN CAPRICORN is bringing them to call! Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) ~ Mistress of New Age
With a Capricorn Pluto bringing intense situations from the past back into your zone, it’s a case of transform (Pluto) the old (Capricorn) into something brand new (squaring Uranus in Aries)! It’s all about reinventing yourself to make the old situation fit the present. And with Saturn in Scorpio also on board, we are working hard to make our old deep relating/sexual psychology take on a new Light. News is that many peeps are hooking up with past lovers in efforts to fan the flame from a better angle, tackling old jobs on a different level, making a sea/tree-change with a cooler attitude, or addressing a repetitive health issue from another slant.A quickie share: i am currently re-seeing (yes, seeing one another in a new Light – so Pluto!) someone i was involved with a few years back – we both suspected there was unfinished business (fyi our individual Saturns sit on one another’s Suns – big ‘meant to be’ and lesson-learning flavour between close associations generally), and after rebuilding a solid friendship over the last few months (so Sagittarius/Aquarius – revisit my post re Sextile Sun Signs), our intimate connection has morphed into something magical, that has been a major surprise (Uranus) to both of us! It is what it is, and it’s something special… So check how your past circumstances – relationship, work, health-linked, etc. – have been reawakened, restyled, and reborn…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
As Capricorn Pluto squares the Libra Full Moon, your unconscious and unresolved relationship issues are bound to make an appearance – and so sideways! So instead of letting your fears and old-school patterns run you and run down your relationships, make a conscious choice to deal with them, make them known, and then kick them to the kerb! It’s really that easy – an immediate choice – in the moment. They aren’t working for you, they don’t have a hold on you, and you certainly don’t need them any more. Make a decision to move forward without that toxic baggage now!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
That’s the ongoing game plan for Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn! As Uranus smashes discrimination on its head (fyi Aries rules head) and Pluto has Capricornian old-school attitudes on their knees (yep, Capricorn rules knees)… it’s like, we need to personally contribute to the necessary changes and transformations we so want by choosing to be who we truly are – and stuffing the skeptics!
So what part of yourself or your life are you hiding? What don’t you want others to know? What about yourself are you still ashamed of? What about YOU don’t you truly love? Change your stinking-thinking and be the person you know you are, so you can live and love to your own pulse!
2013 make it obscene…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
So there’s been progress internationally on the gay marriage issue, but like what’s the deal in Oz… is the big block that Pluto is currently in conservative Capricorn and Australia is a Capricorn country – ergo the pollies of Oz are scared to move outside the box? Meanwhile, our Western cousins: those pompous pollies in the United Kingdom and red-necked pollies in USA, are basically banging behind same-sex marriage. Equality and human rights for ‘gays’ to have a recognised marriage to the person they love is happening in these countries. It’s a no-go in Australia – the land of freedom – the country of ‘fair go, mate’! In most schools of Astrology, Australia has Sagittarius rising – the free-and-easy, laid-back sign… Uranus in Aries’ Trine to Australia’s Ascendant has to be a positive thing for the GLBTI community -waiting until Pluto enters revolutionary Aquarius in 2023 isn’t an option. Fingers crossed that Australia’s current prime-minister (who has a hidden agenda to be liked by everyone) heeds her wake-up call!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Welcome the prototype Capricorn iconic, pioneering, FEMININE feminist as Australian of the Year 2013 – Ita Buttrose! A stylish woman who paved the way for her societal struggling sistas to simultaneously wear their maternal, sexy, intelligent and career-competitive layers, proudly and comfortably – while looking classy doing it! As a result, in the 21st Century, a feminine woman doesn’t need to recycle her lipstick and hide her curves in order to be a successful female and on par with her male counterparts. This marvellous editorial matriarch, who fought for females in the 70’s, is now in her 70’s, and ready to transform (Pluto) the ageism (Capricorn) issue. Still going strong at 71, this has to be a huge message for women of all ages – and certainly the ageism issue is a missing link in the feminist movement.
2013 make it obscene…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Power planet Pluto’s wade through corporate Capricorn is peeling those in authority – the ones who like to push their weight around, for no good reason – from their plastic pedestals, and bringing them back to Earth with a thud! But not before they have had their inflated self-importance ground down into healthy humility. I don’t want to sound repetitive, but there is evidence of this hideous behaviour happening globally in numerous zones. And then take a look in your own backyard – it’s taking place right there in your personal world too! You can’t demand respect, you need to work for it to deserve it. Some serious ego-tweaking is on the agenda…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
So Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is currently doing Scorpio; while Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is getting cosy with Capricorn – and both are making a nice Sextile to one another. This is called a Mutual Reception in Astrology, and what it means in lay-people terms, is that the intensely emotional qualities of Scorpio are being put into line by Master Saturn; and the rather rigid tendencies of Saturn are being softened up and transformed by Princess Pluto. What does this mean for us globally & personally? Generally speaking, all things governmental, institutional, establishment-al, constitutional, insurable and seriously structured will be torn down and reborn – fingers-crossed for the absolute better of all concerned! Anything dripping in medical, psychological, taxable, birth-and-death-relatable, sexually-oriented will get a once-over reality check and work and fit better into our individual lives. Personally, I’m putting out to Ms Universe for Medicare to slap Veterinary fees on their books…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Considered which resolutions you plan to break in 2013 – just kidding!… Seriously, Jupiter in Gemini puts communication high on the list (study on the agenda?… big-talk time with your partner?… or possibly it’s time to say your piece to that CEO?); Saturn in Scorpio insists you make those resolutions stick (ready to give up that addiction?… set to pay off that credit card?… or geared to stay on track with a career climb?) . While Uranus in Aries throws you the wild card (brave enough to work overseas?… tagged for a tree or sea-change?… or primed to change careers?): Neptune in Pisces washes you with compassionate self-promises (up for smoothing things over with a lover?… or vowing to show your soft underbelly with a family issue?… or maybe your mind’s set on some inner peace?); whilst a Capricorn Pluto commands you to go to practical extremes (eager to pluck that naughty food from the pantry?… serious about keeping your boundaries tight with an ex?… or perhaps you want to spend less time staring at that screen?)…
Your call, your year, your happiness laying on the line!
Kris xx Mistress of New Age