YOUR CALL NOT THEIR FAULT!… Clearly many of you guys have a distorted view of how things work in the cosmic sense: Full Moons & any other Astrological or Esoteric (Tarot, Numerological, etc.) are energies – they provide influences, suggestions, possibilities – we are not in the dark ages whereby we apparently don’t have a choice. Full Moons, Transits, Progressions, Tarot Readings, Psychic Readings (and i use a combo of all 3 esoteric tools in my Email Readings btw) offer potential, wake-up calls, etc., but they are not the ‘Boss’ – YOU are! If you allow yourself to be heavily ‘under the influence’ of Full Moons etc. then it is probably a reflection of how you allow people and situations in your life to Rule!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age



When Neptune plays with your Natal Chart through Transit, Progression or any other Astrological movement – particularly when it fiddles with your personal planets and zones –  you may need to deal with dreaded deception, disillusion and cut-to-the-chase CHEATING to learn some lessons!

Whether you are experiencing it happening to you, around you or within you, it not only feels painful, it feels seriously wrong – regardless of what side of the relationship, financial or study bed you are tipping.

Remember if they can do it with you, they can do it to you – and if they can do it once, they will do it again – and if you are the one deceiving another, you are only cheating yourself!

Note to self: something begun on a deceptive note, finishes on an A-flat…

Kris xx

Mistress of New Age

Your Progressed Moon – the backdrop of your current mindset

This little note is about your progressed moon, which changes zodiac signs every 2.5 years.

When your progressed moon shifts into a new sign, you start to take on qualities of that particular sign for the duration the progressed moon is in that sign.

For example, when your progressed sign moves from intense scorpio into free-wheeling sagittarius, gradually you will feel a need to move out of situations/relationships that may feel claustraphobic, lose that over-emotional state & start travelling in all forms while opening yourself/life up to more freedom-oriented situations. Light on… Kris 🙂


Your Progressed Moon


This little note is about your progressed moon, which changes zodiac signs every 2.5 years. When your progressed moon shifts into a new sign, you start to take on qualities of that particular sign for the duration the progressed moon is in that sign.

For example, when your progressed sign moves from intense Scorpio into free-wheeling Sagittarius, gradually you will feel a need to move out of situations / relationships that may feel claustraphobic, lose that over-emotional state & start travelling in all forms while opening yourself / life up to more freedom-oriented situations.


