Tag Archives: Queen of Pentacles
Confident CAPRICORN kicks off 2016’s first NEW MOON over the next 2.5 days – and with Mercury annoyingly retrograding behind her, while you can expect to get a lot done,
conquer some demons (Pluto is close by too), and to tackle a personal challenge, they won’t be without their frustrations. Climb carefully – because future goals will be cemented, commitments will be made, you will eventually reach the top.
Light & Love on…
www.krisfontaine.com.au for your Chat Reading
The CAPRICORN MOON makes a significant mark on your life over the next 2.5 days – and in a good way, providing you come from a practical angle, not an airy-fairy one… Many Scorpions and Pisceans could encounter a nice surprise in the mix …
~ Light on
Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/
Roll up for the CAPRICORN FULL MOON Saturday 12 July 2014 09:24:54 pm (AEST) 20 degrees Capricorn: Expect your ideas regarding your career or calling to be bounced around. And with the Cardinal Grand Cross completed by the Mars/Uranus opposition, in lay-people’s terms, means you might just change your plans – and quite radically! This next 2.5 (+ or -) days is about personal growth that ultimately brings a secure, stable and tangible outcome, but you need to pull out your resources in order to get to this place first. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) or those with strong Cardinal placements in their horoscope hold the spotlight. ~ Light on
Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/
A PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE IN TAURUS (around 4.20pm EST) … Who doesn’t like 2.5 days packed with solid emotions, common sense over-riding fantasy, and touching on what matters in the real sense…? And then there’s money bells ringing, where you take your time harvesting what tangible evidence of your hard work. Forget frivolous conversations and wafty ideas – use this time to construct work-wonders and savoury security. This is your time to focus on fertility of all denominations, raw romance, concentrated creativity, and your personal productivity — while taking regular time to smell the roses ♥
~ Light on
Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT PSYCHIC READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/
Queen of Pentacles Meets High Priestess
Virgo Moon (Queen of Pentacles) opposition Neptune (High Priestess) = handle the pull between your desire to please others and your readiness to please yourself! Listen to your pillow talk and inner Mistress/Master, as you do what feels right… Remember it begins and ends with you – unless you are fully comfortable in your own skin, heading in your chosen direction and content with your life, you have little chance of being there for anyone else in the true sense… Work the energies Now!
2013 make it obscene…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age