While the Knight of Cups Reversed highlights semi-truths and undercurrents in relationships, when you touch on your feelings, you may just get a lightbulb moment. On some level the colour has been drained from yourself and a relationship. Are you only focused on feeding your senses and denying what your higher self or deeper self desires? You have a handle on what satisfies you on a superficial level – now you need to nourish your solid self. It’s about moving forward and letting go, particularly with relationships that are swimming in a pool of mud.

The only way to change emotionally stuck relationships is for both parties to own and be willing to change dysfunctional behaviour or relating techniques. The Reversed Knight of Cups doesn’t do relationship drama or craziness well, tending to retreat rather than deal. Increased demands within a relationship are uncomfortable, leading to resentment of pounding pressure – emotionally, sexually and mentally. Your feelings head south when lies, manipulation or deception show their ugly face, as you duck the drain of energy landing on your plate.

On the flip side, providing there isn’t too much water under your bridge, you can turn this on its head with a little understanding, compassion and honest communication in the mix. Oh, and this may not apply to a romantic relationship – it could link to a family member, colleague or friend. Whatever the connection, this is your chance to pull yourself out of the quicksand and be true to you…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age



This huge (Jupiter) emotional (Cancer) epidemic (Pluto) needs to cease ASAP!

If you’re experiencing any form of abuse, bullying or conflict within a relationshipor post relationship – take note of these little gems. Remember, it begins with you – make your choices supportive from this point onwards…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


With deceptive but limelight-loving Neptune presently battling with gossip-god Sun in Gemini, it’s a good idea to keep your private life, your relationship status, your personal details undercover. The full flow of caustic chat, negative natter and toxic talk currently streaming through cyberspace is just not conducive to spilling anything special in your life.

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


We all have one of these sad dudes hanging around (Fool reversed/King of Cups reversed) – you know what i mean –  the jerky, manipulating, interfering, bullying, scorned ex-lover – who can’t let go, steps over the line, has minimum ethics, and does their dirty work behind the scenes – keyboard cowards – too scared to show their small-minded faces. We’ve all experienced this toxic tyrant – the silent stalker – the one who is totally under the illusion that they go unnoticed – trying to suck in every other ex who shows up after our break-ups – too eager to make us the ‘bad guy’  – empathising with venom.You know the type – the one who has a stream of bad relationships behind them, they are never to blame, they wear their professional victim hat to the hilt, pretend to support any needy cast-offs they pull in – lie through their sharp teeth –  behaving like total maggots!

Here’s the big twist: we can see them, we know who they are – we are too emotionally intelligent to hook up with their exes and have a subjective slag match about them. Many an ex-of-an-ex has approached me looking for the sympathy vote, but i won’t enter the gutter zone. Although, just to share, I had to laugh-out-loud after connecting with another of my exes last night (like any exes we have had the lovers-to-friendship teething stage), who has the guts to say things to my face, knows there are always two sides to a situation, owns their stuff, and fully has my back! So cool that Ms Karma inevitably catches up with caustic ex-characters, putting the joke on them.

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age