Tag Archives: Saturn
Mistress Saturn is on top of her game again: she’s gone Direct — anything stagnant, frustrating, disappointing or stunted could start to shift — maybe things aren’t as stuck as you first suspected. Just sayin’.
Full Moon in Capricorn has Mistress Saturn on her back – realign your mindset so obligations magically morph into more do-able tasks. Or not. Maybe you prefer to be your own worst enemy and make a mountain out of a mole hill! The choice is easy.
Light & Love on…
PULL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BACK! The PC pendulum has furiously swung too far at the initial onslaught of Saturn in Capricorn. Transgender people identify as male or female – that is correct. So why create a neutral gender identity language for the Comm Games, or anything else, for that matter – like public toilets? Not sure i want to be using same thrones as biological males who can’t aim correctly – not to mention the safety factor that would be instantly challenged…gives rise to all types of incorrectness. Hey Moon in Libra do your work over the next 2.5 days and swing the pendulum back a little.
Light & Love on…
Kris ![](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f6c/1/16/2764.png)
As Saturn – the planet most associated with politics – settles into free-range Sagittarius on 21 September (after 2.5 years in back-biting Scorpio) possibly this undemocratic Australian prime minister musical chairs will cease (i live in Sagittarian optimism!).![The Heirophant Reversed](https://krisfontaine.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-Heirophant-Reversed-150x150.jpg)
On the flip side, the loyal backbone of Scorpio is about to be wrenched out, while Sagittarius lie-through-horsey-teeth is uncomfortably being inserted.
My vote goes to this wonderful nation moving on from the discriminatory dark side of Scorpio and falling into the live-and-let-live, freedom-fuelled facets of Sagittarius – what’s yours…?
Light on
Struggling with the tsunami of emotion being poured into our lives one way or another by the double-dose Neptune in Pisces and last dose of aim-for-the-jugular Scorpio Saturn…? Talk about raising our awareness and presenting a reality check re what’s happening in the undercurrents of our lives, our relationships, ourselves. We can see the emotional chaos in the eyes of friends and family, and it reflects right back at us. How to deal..? Refuse to mask your feelings – swim with the current – and, above all, stay positive. This emotional storm will pass over and in it’s place will be fertile ground just waiting for new growth.
Cancer New Moon (Sydney11.25am 16 July 2015 24 degrees)
The cosmos is loaded with Cancerian personal planets when this New Moon prevails over the next 2.5 days, which immediately brings things back to your roots, where you feel at home, how you feel nurtured, where you want to reside. Choices and decisions will revolve around these zones, and with Mars giving you a not-so-gentle push and Pluto hammering your feeling system, it will require extreme middle ground to achieve your goals in this regard. Just go with gut but don’t leave yourself emotionally empty.
Also in the mix is headmistress Saturn who may have something to say about your relationship status…
Light & Love on
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) Psychic Astrologer Tarotologist Columnist
SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS RETRO until 02 August 2015: a double whammy – Saturn and Retrograde both reek of karma – challenging or awesome will depend upon how you have behaved in the past and how you have changed — lessons to be learned that will be very rewarding and as hard or easy as you want to make them….
~ Light & Love on
Kris ~ Mistress of New Age
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
LIVE-CHAT READING on Facebook…? Instant message me to arrange
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Friday 06 March 2015 05:05:24 am (AEDT)
The ambience can be intoxicating or toxic with the Virgo-Pisces polarity, especially so with Saturn in Sagittarius joining the party — work out what you want and need to do physically and spiritually – balance up the two – you can’t have one without the other, and they need to work in unison. Go too far physically, and you lose who you are – go too far spiritually, and you lose your footing!
~ Light & Love on
Kris ~ Mistress of New Age
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
♥ LIVE-CHAT READING on Facebook…? Instant message me to arrange <3
Order an on-point EMAIL READING or PHONE READING https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
QUEEN OF 2015!
On this last day of 2014 the TAURUS MOON, and on a more longterm scale, SATURN newly in SAGITTARIUS, asks you to get real! To lose the fakery, the phony, the bogus – to begin your 2015 journey with more authenticity, less of a need for constant reassurance, more helpings of self-love, a big injection of honesty, and a dash of humility.
Kickstart your toxin-clearout-come-spiritual-make-over by losing anything that isn’t a true expression of who you are – the BS Facebook pics are a small but significant lead. Ask yourself who you are trying to impress with narcissitic daily doses of a one-dimensional self? Who are you trying to score points over, flashing a snapshot-in-time? Maybe it’s just me, but i can see the real person behind the photoshopped facade.
This is simply a wake-up call that Ms Universe won’t let you kid yourself or anyone else in 2015. If you want to move forward with your personal life, jump ahead with your career, or arrange a catch-up with your higher-self – you just have to be bona fide with what you put into cyberspace, because if it isn’t on point, it will come back to bite you in the real world.
~ Light & Love on
Kris ~ Mistress of New Age
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Why not book a LIVE-CHAT READING with Kris…? www.krisfontaine.com.au
or order an on-point Email Reading…? https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
(pic via Teacuptarot)