CATERPILLAR TO BUTTERFLY! = Capricorn Pluto square Aries Uranus + Scorpio Saturn

With a Capricorn Pluto bringing intense situations from the past back into your zone, it’s a case of transform (Pluto) the old (Capricorn) into something brand new (squaring Uranus in Aries)! It’s all about reinventing yourself to make the old situation fit the present. And with Saturn in Scorpio also on board, we are working hard to make our old deep relating/sexual psychology take on a new Light. News is that many peeps are hooking up with past lovers in efforts to fan the flame from a better angle, tackling old jobs on a different level, making a sea/tree-change with a cooler attitude, or addressing a repetitive health issue from another slant.A quickie share: i am currently re-seeing (yes, seeing one another in a new Light – so Pluto!) someone i was involved with a few years back – we both suspected there was unfinished business (fyi our individual Saturns sit on one another’s Suns – big ‘meant to be’ and lesson-learning flavour between close associations generally), and after rebuilding a solid friendship over the last few months (so Sagittarius/Aquarius – revisit my post re Sextile Sun Signs), our intimate connection has morphed into something magical, that has been a major surprise (Uranus) to both of us! It is what it is, and it’s something special… So check how your past circumstances – relationship, work, health-linked, etc. – have been reawakened, restyled, and reborn…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age