Betrayal is when your feelings are disregarded, there is no appreciation shown for your love and devotion. It is when your trust is purposely broken, a line is crossed, when a union is disrespected. Betrayal  is when someone you trust does something they know is not legit.
The Moon, 3 of Swords & 3 of Cups reversed, either individually placed or in combo with one another, can point to betrayal in a Tarot spread. For example, the 3 of Cups beside the 2 of Cups, The Lovers or a Court card (a King, Queen, Knight or Page of any suit) can designate betrayal in a relationship –  with a third-party interference often being the case. The 3 of Swords next to the Justice card reversed may mean betrayal within a marriage, leading to divorce, or involving another form of legal commitment. Or what about The Moon next to the Four of Wands meaning betrayal on the homefront or with a property purchase… And so the story continues with other cards. Start spreading…
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age