Get hands on with the those tangible issues this weekend (probably onto it now!).Things that will make a practical and functional difference in your life need to happen. Meanwhile, Uranus is hitting up Venus (Taurus ruler) – expect the unexpected in your relationships. Time to take a risk or two?
Light & Love on …


Take note: Pluto in Capricorn means tradition, politics and religious-based concepts on all levels are being challenged. With this planet currently retrograde and in a naturally cautious sign, apart from results being delayed, it’s a case of going all the way down before coming all the way up. It can be slow and painful, but it will strip away what is no longer required – it is and will transform society as we know it for the good of all.

Add to the mix a retrograde Aries Uranus, and bottomline, it continues to be shake-up time for outdated ideals and tunnel-visioned groups – off with their heads metaphorically (Aries rules the head zone fyi)!

Include Neptune in its home sign, Pisces – also retrograde (not to forget the transient retrograde and communication master Mercury), deception, confusion and craziness is in the global waters. Romance is high-end but, on the other end of the scale, so is escapism – and the ultimate escapism is suicide. How would anyone feel if they weren’t accepted for who they are – how they were born (there is zero choice involved here – it isn’t a fad, fashion or feature film!)…?

Time to step it up people: whatever gender two people who love each other are, whatever gender they identify as, whatever goes on intimately between a couple – they deserve the same human rights as everyone else – they are not second class citizens, not second-rate humans!!

Light & Love on…




ARIES NEW MOON featuring – Uranus is on board, emphasising personal freedom, independence and a longing for some type of…

Posted by Kris Fontaine on Thursday, 7 April 2016


You’ve got to love the Full Moon – 3° 29′
Sunday 24th January 2016  12:45:48 pm (AEDT) – leaving its powerful influence for you to devour on Australia Day (26 January). Expect to be crowned with the kudos you have worked towards over the last 12 months – with Leos and Aquarians (and those with Leo or Aquarius prominentQueen of Wands3in your natal chart e.g. Ascendant, Moon sign, strong Uranus) taking the limelight. Lean in to who you are and what you have to offer – because they are expensive jewels you don’t want to give away lightly.*©

*Find out more with a personal Chat Reading below*

Light & Love on

Kris ♥



Chat Readings are conducted on the ‘net – Zopim Chat – once payment is authorised, Kris will email you a date and time for your Chat Reading – on the day you simply go to the home page of Kris’ website www.krisfontaine.com.au click on ‘Booked Chat Readings’ in the lower right corner of page – fill in your details to meet Kris in Zopim Chat for your Chat Reading. Kris uses a combination of psychic, tarot and astrological tools in all readings. 

Chat Reading Fees:



This ramped-up ARIES MOON is making us take a good look at ourselves… Question is: do you like what you see – inside and out…? If you don’t, Uranus says change it…
~ Light on
Kris ~ Mistress of New Age
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Why not book a LIVE-CHAT READING with Kris…? www.krisfontaine.com.au

or order an on-point Email Reading…? https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/


They call it ‘Mindfulness’ – we call it ‘Meditation’ – according to today’s ABC News Australian high schools and universities are finally realising that keeping your mind still, staying in the moment, etc., actually assists with Anxiety, Depression and other mental illnesses, including Bi-Polar!

Well, hey, English scientists are also admitting that at one point they didn’t think talking to someone from a distant country on a screen would be possible – and now they have a more open mind to there being some type of scientitic reason for those who have passed over to the other side actually having communication with mere mortals…

Light on…

Kris xx your Sis ~ Mistress of New Age Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) Psychic Astrologer Tarotologist Columnist www.krisfontaine.com.au


ARIES TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE Wednesday 08 October, 2014 (Sydney 09:50pm AEDT):

This is a virile eclipse, being in God of War Mars-fuelled Aries – holding hands with Uranus and facing off with Pluto — Remain centred, don’t let things get out of control in your personal life – and send Light, pray, visualise it won’t fuel the fire globally!
~ Light on

Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au

On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/

TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/



Challenging the Cancer New Moon are the two most driven and independent planets – Mars and Uranus. These guys pump each other’s sudden inclinations and push you to break out of any mouldy molds. What you figured was impossible may now be do-able, as you research new ways to tackle things. You must respect your inner urges – they are your green lights to proceed. These planets are radical together, and with the Cancer New Moon, the most significant change will occur wtihin your home and family.

~ Light on
Kris  xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/