By rights, the Taurus Full Moon (25° 26′~Sydney@02:15:42am[AEDT]Monday18 November 2013) should settle into a zone of pleasure and placidity (ahem!). This sensuous Taurus Full Moon is stroking your aura, sure, but it’s time for you to check in with where you are blocking your development and where you are seriously stuck in your life. Hone in on where you sense things have withered and dried up, and give these items the flick. Focus on where you feel recognised and blessed, and give these zones additional energy. Taurus is about what and who you value, how you value yourself, and getting in touch with what really matters. Taurus wants tangible results for the hard work done in whatever region of your life holds the spotlight right now.

On top of this, that sexy ruler of Taurus, Venus, is currently playing footsie (conjunction) with Pluto, while getting cheeky with Uranus (square). These connections challenge you to take charge of what you value in your love-life, to dominate your emotions, and ground your misplaced anger – but with a twist. Oh, and whenever Venus is involved, you need to do it with style, of course…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

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