Check your Natal chart/Horoscope (if you don’t have one, maybe it’s time to have yours erected…?) … So you have personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) and/or the Lights (Sun & Moon) and/or a prominent point in your chart (e.g. Ascendant, Midheaven) and/or your Relating Houses (5th, 7th, 8th, 11th) challenged (Square, Opposition, etc.) or just occupied by Uranus and/or Saturn …? It is almost automatic for you to walk, not deal, exit a relationship rather than show your vulnerability, own your feelings, or hang in there when the going gets a little tough..On the surface you may appear as the biggest ‘Love Rat’, but the real translation is a major fear of getting too close – and for one of two reasons, sometimes both: fear of being smothered or fear of being rejected. Flashback to somewhere within the first 4 years of your life (Jungianly), and one or both of these experiences were yours, either directly or indirectly associated with your family of origin. Isn’t it time you chose to let it go, and allowed yourself to feel the love…?
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Our own personal experience’s wins hands down. Which any of us draw from in our work, within whatever field in the line of guidance& healing! I read your post re the natal blueprint and, if I didn’t need to get a qualification to keep working in my field. I wouldn’t have. Society and, the higher beings above us box us in, because all of a sudden we have to be accountable! If your realms are on par then you too would be accountable also, right? It’s a healthy debate, an interest, re how the esoteric realm and the field of psychology can be interwoven! Light on Kris
Not to mention our personal experiences actually contributing to the field of guidance and healing we choose to work in…! I hear you re required to get a society-approved qualification to work in the field you are in – when we feel passionate about our work, we do what it takes. And i am fully accountable to my field of work too – both my professional reading work and media writings – both these zones require me to be a fully qualified professional. But you know what, Leigh, after our healthy debate on the psychology factor, i rekindled my interest in doing an online uni psychology degree – for myself, not to impress or cater for anyone else… My progressed Moon has just entered Capricorn (excuse me if this is foreign tongue to you or anyone else who may read this), but in lay-people’s terms, it implies that i could be unusually inclined towards looking at more mainstream achievements over the next 2.5 years… interesting… Light always on… Kris
Kris, I have been drawn to your site as,I have been interested in how psychics incorporate or translate various modalities of psychology into their work! Although, not all psychics have the study of psychology as a part of their credentials. Hence, my question re clarification of such. Has this been your experience? Smothered or rejected in your formative years? I think it is important to note that it is a reflective peice& let readers take it from there. As I strongly believe, our experiences, even in our formative year’s has given us the ‘fight or flight’ response within us. A powerful tool, to protect us from situations that could cause either physical or emotional harm. No matter how the ‘Love Rats’ present themself, or anyone else looking to cash up on love, something we all desire. If one is aware of those fears, even if they are there from early experience’s. Listen. Act. Stop. The right love will be one to follow through on, when your fears are not being triggered! I say all this, from experience personally and, from a professional background working with women in Domestic Violence. Leigh
Nice that you are drawn to my site, Leigh… here’s the thing: i insist on boxing my sexual identity, but i refuse to be boxed as a ‘Psychic’ – fyi Astrology is where the science of Psychology operates from with my work — my tools and experience cover a far vaster range than simply ‘Psychic’! And, of course, my blogs are a reflection of who i am, where i have been, what i have experienced – just as you reading or being drawn to my writings would be a reflection of yours. We don’t need the ‘flight or fight’ response if we are aware of our ‘issues’ if we choose our partners carefully – and that means not from a dysfunctional, irrational, better-the-devil-you-know position… we can avoid triggering our expecting-to-be-abused inner child. I have also worked extensively with women who have experienced domestic violence (this is starting to feel competitive lol), but i assist them out of victim role, and guide them on the path of self-value… Kris