FYI & To Clarify: I am a strong believer that if you can blog it, write about it, teach it, counsel it, preach it, post it or lecture it, you must have been there in some way yourself, experienced it at some level, or can identify with it in some manner – or else, you wouldn’t be able to do any of the above authentically!In my case, I am the Waterbearer, pouring my waters of knowledge into blogs, readings, columns, the media… and I learn as I go – and from all I come close to – but sometimes, like all of us, I have to return to learn the same lesson again – or another layer of the same lesson (sigh!). I don’t profess to know everything, I don’t hold all the answers, but I certainly write from personal experience on some level. Who doesn’t?(!) Additionally, in no way do any of my blogs refer to specific people – we are all reflections of one another, so don’t be surprised if you ‘see’ yourself in them – that is part of what it is all about. My blogs are a result of situations I have been in at some stage, a culmination of various relationships over time, involvements with different people, or experiences I have had. Anything I write has to be something I have encountered myself, or I wouldn’t be able to write it from my truth. On the flip side, it is only my perception.

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

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