NEW MOON in LIBRA (October 5 @ 10.34am AEST) – it’s the 2 of Hearts – so don’t break them! New Moons are inherent for helping you create fresh beginnings in your world, and when in Libra the spotlight falls on relationships, and  whether this means making up with someone, giving an ex another try, deciding to go your separate ways (beware the procrastination gene with a Libra New Moon), or creating a new relationship, it’s game on. Aside from romance, sorting a business or family relationship is also on the cards. Whatever your connection, the cosmos is behind you to achieve the balance and harmony you’ve been craving. Just watch the Moon Square Pluto aspect that occurs with this Libra New Moon doesn’t let you regurgitate old issues that you seriously need to shake off – it could defeat your purpose.

On a global scale, fingers crossed the Libra New Moon will tip the scales in a positive manner – not a good look that USA has shut down its government – the cracks are showing already, and they aren’t pretty…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age