ARIES March 21-April 20

Someone on your team or across the table recognises your closeted talents. The fantastic fallout involves an increased income or residential upgrade. The side effect is a seriously loved-up month. Big eye-opener, Aries!

TAURUS April 21-May 21

If something isn’t kosher about a monetary matter or charming newcomer, all is revealed this month. Any high hopes could topple if you haven’t done your homework. On the flip side, a belated call means happiness-plus!

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Facing-off with a colleague, housemate or lover needs to happen before you can move forward. Pull out your self-discipline during dialogue, as it could lead to a fabulous friendship or lust-in. Finances reach an all-time high.

CANCER June 22-July 23

Listen to your inner voice, Cancer. If it sounds like foreign tongue, here’s the translation: it’s time to eliminate those stale situations in your world and allow those charged-up circumstances to prevail. A health issue is cracked.

LEO July 24-August 23

Ditch your doubts, Leo, and get inspired by what’s presented online, through family and via peers. Touch on information related to your chewed-over change of direction or a bad decision you recently made. Message exchanges spell seriously sexy.

VIRGO August 24-September 23

A cluster of second chances fill your month, Virgo. In the mix is a revamped work offer, a ritzy rehashed rendezvous, or the second-coming of a demised relationship. Expect some revelations when you meet the relatives or CEO.

LIBRA September 24-October 23

Don’t plunge into sharing your intimate details or exhibiting your darker side, Libra. Not if you want to impress someone new in your social zone, in your family or at your workplace. Dishing the dirt on someone won’t backfire.

SCORPIO October 24-November 22

The spin-off from a dysfunctional partnership, rash decision or some risky business is food for celebration. Lapping up the silver lining from a grief-laden experience is delicious. Bitch-slap the past – you are so moving forward!

SAGITTARIUS November 23-December 21

Shake off old concerns preventing you from taking the right course of action re your career.That was then, this is now, Sag! You’re seriously set to celebrate a union, blend families or take an across-the-board holiday.

CAPRICORN December 22-January 20

Bank on your new skill-set to score points at work, tackle a DIY job or resurrect relationship romance. You know what to do, who to include, and where to draw the line. This equals no awkward muck-ups.

AQUARIUS January 21-February 19

Your life seriously streams ‘beautiful’! With your stress levels plummeting and your self-esteem mounting, taking a calculated risk opens doors and steps up your earnings. Make space in your routine for one top-shelf soul-mate.

PISCES February 20-March 20

Before you lock yourself into something you aren’t totally prepared for, Pisces, chat with a knowledgeable mate or jump on the search train. Restore your imagination to dream up unique celebration ideas or construct a brilliant blog.