Aries March 21-April 20*

Venus teases your chart’s tip as you settle into your 2013 comfort zone.  Expect charismatic charmers, creative channels and cocksure characters to lavishly make-over your life. Simultaneously, Uranus tempts you with fully wired challenges. Scene set for 2013, Aries.


Taurus April 21-May 21*

On your mark to launch that health kick or workout program! Avoid freezing those New Year resolutions, Taurus, while trusting your support team assists you to stay on track. Re that family bully or harsh online comment? Ignore – it’s so 2012.


Gemini May 22-June 21*

The ample Moon/Jupiter opposition means dishing out some hands-on partner-pampering or family favours. Feeling guilty about ignoring a certain person or failing to keep a promise? Grab the opportunity to make amends. It’s a lose-lose situation if you don’t, Gemini. 


Cancer June 22-July 23*

Your wild imagery works for you, Cancer, particularly if restyling your home or updating your wardrobe. On the flip side, don’t get sucked into OTT suspicions aimed at your partner or love interest. You hardly want to repack this baggage for your 2013 travels.


Leo July 24-August 23*

The Sun/Mercury/Pluto trio turns up the volume in your personal life, and gives you a hand with the office party or random hook-up fallout. 2013 is pegged to be your year of extreme change, but you need to settle those outstanding emotional debts first.


Virgo August 24-September 23*

A fundamental emotional issue that’s stopped you treating your body like a temple or taking the next step in a relationship is tagged for sorting. Hit on 2013 with your work-out group, regain your affection for the great outdoors, and start appreciating who is at your service.


Libra September 24-October 23*

The Sun/Mercury/Pluto three-way is your cue to sooth shattered involvements, heal hurt feelings, and sort those post-mix-and-mingle complications. The trick: listen up when someone shares, and exhibit empathy, rather than throw a pity-party. Rehearse your lines and breathe out.


Scorpio October 24-November 22*

Dial up your inner-warrior, Scorpio! A fearless chat with loved ones or house-mates ensures more personal space and a greater chance of establishing your position on prevalent issues. Make sure you are cashed-up and suitably accessorised for the unexpected offer or homecoming.


Sagittarius November 23-December 21*

Practise up in order to flick that bad habit, munch on healthy sticks and head to the gym on a regular basis. Romance steps into the mix as you leap into an unexpected affair, resurrect a past passion or create a relationship turnaround.


Capricorn December 22-January 20*

Saturn insists you organise a special investment, open a joint account or indulge in sensible shopping (new sheets are a must!). Hold tight as you go from zero to plumper-purse, which won’t simply bring balance back into your financial world, but could indirectly restore your love-life.


Aquarius January 21-February 19*

The skilfully karmic Saturn/Chiron trine promises a financial project or professional opportunity comes to fruition in January. The catch? You need to embrace your inner CEO and direct the traffic with those involved. And Aquarius, it’s time to make serious plans with that interstater.


Pisces February 20-March 20*

Go harder if you want someone to get how sad or sorry you are. Be gentle with yourself, because you can’t expect to lose that negative mind-chatter until you get real with how you feel. Unexpected monetary motion injects some optimism into your month.

(*SIGN DATES HEADS-UP: These are the average dates – due to the earth’s tilt on its axis – if your birthday falls at the beginning or end of a sign [on the ‘cusp’] check a planetary ephemeris or have your personal horoscope chart erected to see which sign your Sun was officially assigned to at birth. )



©Kris Fontaine, 2012

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