YOUR CALL NOT THEIR FAULT!… Clearly many of you guys have a distorted view of how things work in the cosmic sense: Full Moons & any other Astrological or Esoteric (Tarot, Numerological, etc.) are energies – they provide influences, suggestions, possibilities – we are not in the dark ages whereby we apparently don’t have a choice. Full Moons, Transits, Progressions, Tarot Readings, Psychic Readings (and i use a combo of all 3 esoteric tools in my Email Readings btw) offer potential, wake-up calls, etc., but they are not the ‘Boss’ – YOU are! If you allow yourself to be heavily ‘under the influence’ of Full Moons etc. then it is probably a reflection of how you allow people and situations in your life to Rule!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age