YOUR CALL NOT THEIR FAULT!… Clearly many of you guys have a distorted view of how things work in the cosmic sense: Full Moons & any other Astrological or Esoteric (Tarot, Numerological, etc.) are energies – they provide influences, suggestions, possibilities – we are not in the dark ages whereby we apparently don’t have a choice. Full Moons, Transits, Progressions, Tarot Readings, Psychic Readings (and i use a combo of all 3 esoteric tools in my Email Readings btw) offer potential, wake-up calls, etc., but they are not the ‘Boss’ – YOU are! If you allow yourself to be heavily ‘under the influence’ of Full Moons etc. then it is probably a reflection of how you allow people and situations in your life to Rule!
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age



If you are Neptunianly-challenged in your birth chart (e.g. a hard Neptune aspect to your Sun, Moon or any of the Personal Planets), or are currently experiencing a challenging Neptune Transit, Progression, or the like, things can become a little foggy on the love-front. Your emotions may be muddled, your feelings befuddled, and your state of mind may be seriously confused, particularly as far as your romantic relationships are concerned. Neptune rules romance, and romance can also involve deception, which is something Neptune knows only too well when it is involved in a hard position astrologically. It can be like you are living life underwater in some sense – which is how many sufferers of depression have explained things to feel like – all is soaked in jumbled emotions.

So it is important you pull your shutters up and look at the reality of things – check on what is really going on within yourself, and how you might be caught in a world of self-deception as far as your love-life goes. From my own challenging Neptune experience (long story short) I was heavily under the notion that someone I had been briefly involved with 5 years prior was ‘the one’ (but ended it because of a gut feeling, that I should have continued to heed in the second coming). However,  the good feelings remained for me & i Neptunianly kidded myself that the love was unrequited, when i had actually cut the link. Ergo the relationships that followed just didn’t measure up in my Neptune-driven perception – but the truth was hidden, and it was only when I chose to be in a total relationship with my supposed ‘true love’ a few years later that I saw the Neptunian Light. Often Neptune hides the truth and then does a big reveal later down the track, crashing and burning one’s original perception.

As a result of my Neptunian example above – and let me add, that the interim relationships during the 5 year period contained red alerts, as well as a lot of love, as to what I was eventually to experience – I learnt one of the biggest lessons of my life, a self-growth opportunity under the guise (and Neptune is an expert at chameleon behaviour!) of true love.

So check into your emotions: is your perception real or a serious fantasy? Is it based on unfinished issues from your family of origin…? Own it, before the dream comes crashing down… P.S. All is good on my front now, and I am thankful for the experience — you can learn to swim through those Neptunian waters 😉

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age




If Saturn is challenging you through Transits, Progressions, Returns, or the like, this Karma Cleansing Ritual is for you! Saturn@work represents limits, the tying up of what you know, and the end of unreal structures in your life. Don’t be afraid of Saturn – but do learn from her – because this planet’s perfectly formed rings are in charge of bringing you the discipline and life reconstruction you need. She gives you the missing boundaries, the needed order – she brings the finale of chaos! Her power lies in providing stronger foundations to your physical world. She pushes you to deal with the challenges, so as to bring more structure and tangibility into your life. Saturn connects with the root chakra and the crown chakra. She takes the restrictions of the earth realm and moves them into your higher consciousness, in efforts for you to resolve your karma. Her bad press as the grim taskmaster is unwarranted, as she can be a total help. As she wakes up your subconcious and gives you a reality check, it is your call to heed what she says. If you choose not to listen, whatever you resist paying attention to will present itself – for you to take by the horns.

Saturday is Saturn’s day, and therefore, the best day to do Saturn rituals. So if you are confronted with an issue and searching to find the underlying reason, try this one on:

  • Stand in your workspace
  • Bring in the Light for your highest good and the highest good of all concerned
  • Anoint yourself with Myrrh Oil
  • Draw the glyph of Saturn on a piece of paper
  • Ask for the lessons of the situation to be clearly revealed for your understanding
  • Burn or bury the paper with the Saturn glyph
  • Just listen
  • The answer will come in time (Saturn rules time), through random messages and means.

Light to you on your journey…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age




So as from yesterday, my Progressed Moon (Secondary Progressions) has moved from freedom-freak Sagittarius into success-hungry Capricorn. I find the shift from one sign to another every 2.5 years exciting, open to new possibilities and extremely reflective of how i feel (Moon – feelings – well,  hello!). Having travelled – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually – with the Sag Moon over the last couple of years, my Aquarian jugs are seriously ready to be filled with Capricorn recognition, commendations and solid success… as i simultaneously take more control and encourage additional order in my world. My Capricorn Mercury and Venus say bring it on (think of the shopping!) – my Aries Mars isn’t quite as thrilled. Lovin’ the fresh energy, hookin’ up with Cappy types, and feelin’ goooooooood! Take a look where your Progressed Moon is placed right about now – it really counts in the scheme of things.

Kris xx Mistress of New Age