You’ve got to love the Full Moon – 3° 29′
Sunday 24th January 2016 12:45:48 pm (AEDT) – leaving its powerful influence for you to devour on Australia Day (26 January). Expect to be crowned with the kudos you have worked towards over the last 12 months – with Leos and Aquarians (and those with Leo or Aquarius prominent
in your natal chart e.g. Ascendant, Moon sign, strong Uranus) taking the limelight. Lean in to who you are and what you have to offer – because they are expensive jewels you don’t want to give away lightly.*©
*Find out more with a personal Chat Reading below*
Light & Love on
Kris ♥
Chat Readings are conducted on the ‘net – Zopim Chat – once payment is authorised, Kris will email you a date and time for your Chat Reading – on the day you simply go to the home page of Kris’ website click on ‘Booked Chat Readings’ in the lower right corner of page – fill in your details to meet Kris in Zopim Chat for your Chat Reading. Kris uses a combination of psychic, tarot and astrological tools in all readings.