Your Daily Tarot is the Three of Cups, which represents coming together, filling yourself up on love – opening up, spending quality time with special people. It’s about joining in celebrations, mixing and mingling – socialising, finding that fling or picking your partner. Engagements, weddings and reunions are big with the Three of Cups. This card may mean locating a support group, networking with friends, healing an emotional wound, or some serious indulgence (perfect with Moon in Scorpio right about now!). The Number 3 linked to the Cups (Water element) is indicative of fertility, and often brings on pregnancy, a birth or even triplets. It’s your cue to take some time out, heal emotionally, and to touch on your creative side. If career is playing with your mind, look into the healing/helping professions, hospitality, or work primarily dealing with children. Go with your intuition – this is not a time to think it out, it’s about feeling your way through…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

EMAIL READINGS: ORDER FROM  https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/



Your Daily Tarot is The Heirophant or Pope (Reversed), which instantly points to you changing your mind or taking on a different attitude towards something or someone. Or maybe a situation or relationship, that you figured was set in stone, suddenly shifts and shakes. Maybe a certain connection or set of circumstances isn’t what you first thought, you aren’t impressed with how things have developed… or you have just changed. The Heirophant is Number 5 in the Tarot Deck, which is indicative of change. But in reverse mode, it is no longer about tunnel-visions that aim to change everyone else, it is about change to make your personal zone better!

This card is ruled by Taurus which, when turned on its head, loses the Taurean stubbornness – it means you are tired of the same-ol’ same-ol’, have lost your fear of personal modifications, and want to break down those self-imposed blocks. You are done with tradition and anything too established – you don’t want to play by the same regulations any more. Any fanaticism falls by the wayside, as you are willing to take on board guidance from a new mentor or gain information from fresh authority. Expect to be pulled between doing the ‘right thing’ and going left-of-centre. But be true to yourself – this is so of the essence right about now.

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

PERSONAL EMAIL READINGS: ORDER FROM ‘REQUEST READING’ ON THIS WEBSITE https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/…Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Daily Tarot: The Ten of Cups Reversed – Water pouring out of reversed Cups – tears flowing… Wondering why you are still depressed about something or someone? Unhappy about what life has dished out?  Bring it back to yourself – your choices – your decisions – you are responsible for where you are right now!  You aren’t meeting your own needs, so don’t expect anyone or anything else to meet them. Harsh but true. Good news: you have the tools and inner strength to take yourself to a better position in your world – you just need to figure out what it is you truly want. Don’t self-sabotage, refuse to waste time on unappreciative people, and lose that negativity. Cover all bases, before they overwhelm you…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age





Your Daily Tarot is the Knight of Pentacles reversed (commonly known as Coins; and, like all Court Cards, this card could relate to you or someone in your life – often a dark-haired/dark-eyed individual and/or an Earth sign: Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn). The Knight of Pentacles is the only Knight in the Tarot deck who isn’t moving and sits firmly on his horse. Well, up until his/her feet slip out of the stirrups, as his/her world starts to feel like it’s turning upside down! ‘Stubborn’ is his/her middle name, and in reverse position, a feeling of stuckness could be on the cards – but he/she has settled into that position by bad choice! This card is more about looking at what you have created or allowed in your world that has morphed into fully hard work.

Maybe it’s your job, your business, your finances, your domestic situation, your relationship, or even the state of your health. How have you set things up so that you don’t have downtime, aren’t excited about getting up in the morning, aren’t nourishing your being, aren’t treating your body like a temple, are contaminating your space…? Clearly you need to make changes so you can breathe better, formulate regular me-time, feel positive about your day, are happy to see the face that looks at you across the table – or in the mirror (!)

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

**Need a Personal Email Reading? Please order from Request Reading above … Kris xx