SNAKEY 2013 = Second Stalker Alert!

Heed this little reminder Y’all… It’s Year of the Water Snake – and backing up this sly slitherer is Jupiter, maximising the two-faced side of Gemini, and a Pisces Neptune soaking in deception. Be aware of those pretending to be something they are not, bringing their baggage to your door, and/or stalking your online activity (Gemini rules media – and social media is one big playground for him!). It’s like your old boss could be on the prowl, your disdained ex or jealous rival could use a dual online name to secretly stalk you, or the gorgeous pic of the guy/girl with the ‘friend’ request could be a fake with an ulterior motive. Be aware, protect yourself, and, of course – Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age



It’s a no-brainer: Neptune (rules deception/cheats/escapism/drugs) square Jupiter (rules exposure/big-scale/sport/truth). Jupiter did the big reveal on Mr Bicycle Armstrong on Neptune drug deception, and now Australian Rugby League (and possibly NRL) druggery is being exposed. Expect some Jupitarian naming and shaming to follow. It will be one big (Jupiter) hangover (Neptune) for Australia’s sporting industry. Sad but true – the truth always comes out and eventually wins!

Don’t light up…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age