It’s a no-brainer: Neptune (rules deception/cheats/escapism/drugs) square Jupiter (rules exposure/big-scale/sport/truth). Jupiter did the big reveal on Mr Bicycle Armstrong on Neptune drug deception, and now Australian Rugby League (and possibly NRL) druggery is being exposed. Expect some Jupitarian naming and shaming to follow. It will be one big (Jupiter) hangover (Neptune) for Australia’s sporting industry. Sad but true – the truth always comes out and eventually wins!

Don’t light up…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


With Jupiter and Neptune currently both in dual signs (Gemini and Pisces respectively), it’s no great surprise that a stream of double-lives have been and are showing up in the media, and in our personal worlds. False dudes like Lance Armstrong are simply the spokespeople – the reflection – the macrocosm – of what is happening in some people’s private worlds. It would be seriously draining (water element Neptune/Pisces – incidentally, both Neptune & Pisces rule drugs) living a big lie (Jupiter/Gemini). Saved  by Saturn’s slow but thorough crawl through Scorpio that is delving into the dark depths (Scorpio), dragging out the real story (Saturn – thanks sister Aquarian Oprah). So look within, look around, check for signs, heed the red lights, listen up for alarm bells – is there a double-life (small or large) happening in your microcosm…?

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age