Feeling a change of direction coming on? Noticed a situation or relationship changing direction? Missed a journey? Delayed travel plans? JUPITER RETROGRADE – ENJOY THE RIDE!
Light & Love on…
Tag Archives: Retrograde
Take note: Pluto in Capricorn means tradition, politics and religious-based concepts on all levels are being challenged. With this planet currently retrograde and in a naturally cautious sign, apart from results being delayed, it’s a case of going all the way down before coming all the way up. It can be slow and painful, but it will strip away what is no longer required – it is and will transform society as we know it for the good of all.
Add to the mix a retrograde Aries Uranus, and bottomline, it continues to be shake-up time for outdated ideals and tunnel-visioned groups – off with their heads metaphorically (Aries rules the head zone fyi)!
Include Neptune in its home sign, Pisces – also retrograde (not to forget the transient retrograde and communication master Mercury), deception, confusion and craziness is in the global waters. Romance is high-end but, on the other end of the scale, so is escapism – and the ultimate escapism is suicide. How would anyone feel if they weren’t accepted for who they are – how they were born (there is zero choice involved here – it isn’t a fad, fashion or feature film!)…?
Time to step it up people: whatever gender two people who love each other are, whatever gender they identify as, whatever goes on intimately between a couple – they deserve the same human rights as everyone else – they are not second class citizens, not second-rate humans!!
Light & Love on…
Confident CAPRICORN kicks off 2016’s first NEW MOON over the next 2.5 days – and with Mercury annoyingly retrograding behind her, while you can expect to get a lot done,
conquer some demons (Pluto is close by too), and to tackle a personal challenge, they won’t be without their frustrations. Climb carefully – because future goals will be cemented, commitments will be made, you will eventually reach the top.
Light & Love on…
www.krisfontaine.com.au for your Chat Reading
This snappy planet is retrograde until mid-June, so say what you mean and mean what you say, encourage don’t criticise, get your facts right, check figures and dates, look out for missed calls, think before you text, draft before youemail, ask before you presume, talk before you accuse, and breathe prior to spilling something you may regret…
~ Light & love on
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS RETRO until 02 August 2015: a double whammy – Saturn and Retrograde both reek of karma – challenging or awesome will depend upon how you have behaved in the past and how you have changed — lessons to be learned that will be very rewarding and as hard or easy as you want to make them….
~ Light & Love on
Kris ~ Mistress of New Age
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
LIVE-CHAT READING on Facebook…? Instant message me to arrange
Order an on-point EMAIL READING or PHONE READING https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
Feeling the heated Water…?
Don’t let the words ‘MERCURY RETROGRADE’ (until 07 July ’14) make you believe all communication will be in go-slow mode – because this cheeky planet is full of nice surprises! Such as, giving you time to collect your thoughts, think before you text, research before you explain, read before you sign-up, contemplate before you book your ticket! This is your time to seriously soak up the information, guys…
~ Light on
Kris xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
LIVE-CHAT READING WITH KRIS? www.krisfontaine.com.au
On-point Email Readings https://krisfontaine.com.au/request-reading-new/
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’ https://www.facebook.com/groups/Transaad/