Category Archives: Death Card
PUT PAST IN PAST! Transformation (Death) Card Reversed
It appears to be a current collective trend, Guys. That is, past people, situations and events rearing those ugly issues that we haven’t yet dealt with (Transformation/Death card reversed). Reflecting our dark side as we reach for the Light. And we need to get on top of these issues ASAP! This has to happen before new ‘pretty’ people, situations and events can flood our lives with positivity and love. It’s what we do in the here and now that matters, because right now is all we have and all we can deal with. Each second of each moment of each hour of each day calls for us to make healthy choices so our future can be all that we want it to be. This is your life, your time, your feelings, your energy, your-Self – all to be treated with respect, kindness and love by You. Once this is fired up, we will be ready to see our transformed reflection in the eyes of those who truly get us, and any sleepy zones of our lives will get their sexy wake-up call.
Light on…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
So the Australian Government has enforced plain packaging for cigarettes with even uglier pics of the physical results of smoking (so smokers are simply taking the cigarettes out of the packets and putting them in a non-confrontational jar, or buying other stickers to cover the confrontational packets)… the Government have maximumly upped the cost of a packet of tar tucker again in efforts to deter smokers from smoking – when what it primarily seems to be doing is filling up the Government and tobacco companies’ pockets – like if the Government was serious about wanting smokers to give up, they would ban the friggen fags totally and immediately! Smoking is an addiction, is an addiction, is an addiction – and if the drug is available (just like alcohol), addicts will continue to purchase the packets. Like any addiction, it is the addicts’ choice to give up – their call, nobody elses’. And smokers will live in denial about how the car fumes are worse, the atmosphere is already toxic so why blame them, yadda, that they could die being knocked over by a skateboard, and yadda, yadda. Like wake up – it’s no longer sexy, incredibly anti-social, outrageously old-school, and fully stupid!
Meanwhile, this deadly drug also wears the sign ‘Selfish’ – it not only affects the smokers (who choose to have the toxins swimming in their lungs), but those who don’t smoke i.e. passive-smokers – in the streets, as the smoker carelessly flaps smoke around for non-smokers to breathe in; seeping into open windows as the smoker has a hit outside; butting the streets as they toss relentlessly – like what about the kids, what about our pets, what about the asthmatics, what about this planet… what about Me!? According to the Government whisper, smoking will soon be illegal on the streets of Australia – period. Then non-smokers can breathe out and claim their rights to enjoy fresher air, finally enjoy a meal al fresco, walk out of a building into a smoke-free zone, and not become sick because of someone else’s addiction… bring—it—on!!
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Tarot Tip: Two of Cups/The Lovers – Loved-up or Honeymoon Over?
When the Two of Cups or The Lovers card is situated next to or in connection to, say, the Ace of Wands or Ace of Cups, clearly a new relationship is on the horizon or a current relationship has a positive stage coming up or may shift to the next level. On the flip side, envision the Lovers or Two of Cups reversed beside, say, The Tower, Death or Eight of Cups – this can indicate a make-or-break time for a relationship, big adjustments need to be made, the rose-coloured glasses come off, or one party is ready to walk. Or else, it may be a one-sided attraction on the cards, or a new contender could be a little toxic or doesn’t tick the right boxes. Play around with your deck, and see how things stand in your relationship or potential one…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Whether it’s The Tower or Uranus shaking up your system; or maybe the Death card or Saturn offering a harsh reality check – try your hardest to stay on top of things until the storm subsides, you get the lesson & see the Light – it’s waiting patiently in that dark place… Because when things are falling apart in your life, they may just be falling into line Kris xx Mistress of New Age
Oh my, another doomsday theory that this planet will demise on 21 December, 2012. This is according to the Mayan writings, that are as open to interpretation as the man-made bible.
Of course, a cosmic catastrophe via another planet is on the list, or possibly the Earth has a sudden reverse-rotation … (yawn). Here’s my take (in tune with the Death Tarot card’s meaning & the Grand Trine occurring on this day): there will be a continued shift in the collective consciousness, a continued stream of spiritual transformation, and the continued dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Enjoy!
Kris xx
Mistress of New Age