Is this really what it is coming down to in the 21st Century under the drawn-out influence of Pluto in Capricorn and the short-term effect of Saturn in Scorpio…? That is, going retro, not only in fashion, but in having a voice, stating it how it is, owning an opinion. If the present government have their way, it’s goodbye to hard-core media comments and ciao to blatant blogs. Don’t get me wrong – as in the mix, and awesomely so, is racial, religious, age and GLBTI anti-discrimination – but these offensive discriminations are essential, necessary and totally on the mark. However, these too could be abused with this new political proposal! Voicing an opinion equals free speech out the window – and it won’t matter how correct the ‘offender’ is with their comments, if the ‘offendee’ is offended and reports the ‘offender’, then it’s game on! We won’t even be able to look at someone the seemingly wrong way.  It’s back to the Age of Pisces when people took no responsibility for their feelings, blamed and shamed, dumped their emotional reaction on the innocent party who simply came from their perspective. This pending law needs to be tweaked to cover the stuff that really matters, not to keep our tongues hostage. The old-school Capricorn/Saturn tendencies are paired-up with the vindictive Scorpio/Pluto qualities, and we are likely to get the Saturnian cane from BDSM Pluto – without our consent!

Not taking this lightly…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


It’s not rocket science, but it certainly is a sign of the Aquarian times – that is, long-distance relationships, which have been and will be rampant in all romantic communities -intrastate, interstate and global connecting rules the airways … It’s difficult enough bearing up under the frustration of no physical contact, limited facial expressions, stylised conversations (of the one and two-dimensional variety) and serious sexual impasse. Misconceptions, misunderstandings, mad imaginings, major messaging, tantric texting, and email overload… This tends to lead to major combustion, then it’s over and out – or else, one party eventually moves to the other party’s town, usually making a sacrifice of kind, and having to ‘start again’. Currently a very retrograde Gemini Jupiter is making communication (Gemini) just that little bit harder, particularly, as far as long-distance (Jupiter) relationships are concerned. And with the current verbal emotional ejaculator:Saggie Moon, playing with Jupiter, it’s best to keep lips zipped, tongue tight and expectations loose – particularly, if you are doing an LD!

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Those original old-school Tarot card meanings (usually sadly accompanying ‘traditional’Tarot decks) tend to reflect the rather negative mentality of the collective consciousness at the time they were written (similar to the Bible – but that’s another show!). Times have vastly changed – it’s the Age of Aquarius, and unlike the last Age of Pisces, the majority of us are not following ‘leaders’ so much, but finding our true following within ourselves, through our personal experiences and via positive modes of self-healing. It’s about individuality in the Aquarian Age, and this needs to be reflected in reading the Tarot. There are no bad or negative Tarot cards – a collection of Swords in a spread does not indicate disaster, just as The Tower in a prominent place does not mean full-blown catastrophe (even the global Tower 9/11 could have been avoided). It so much depends on where these unfairly judged cards are placed in a spread, which cards may be beside or in angle to them, what the question or topic is, who is doing the reading, and so much more.  It is always about the big picture, not one individual card (unless you are pulling one for a quickie!). On par with reading a horoscope chart – taking individual planets or signs on their own has very little value, because other components of the chart could lessen, twist or partially eradicate that influence.We are not at the mercy of the cards or the planets, they are for guidance only – we have choice, we create our own life story. I am not implying that warnings should not be relayed, but telling someone concrete doom-and-gloom is on the horizon, puts them on the road to making this happen.  Giving the option to turn a possible negative into a possible positive needs to accompany any reading. It is not about being right, it is about giving guidance and assisting clients on their path. Instilling fear in a clients’ head is hardly realism, it is actually close to sadism and very ego-based. The days of darkness are over – choose to move with the Light.

2013 make it obscene …

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


It’s rather sad in this Aquarian Age – the 21st Century, no less! – that there’s still a taboo on anyone working in the Psychic/Spiritual/Esoteric/New Age fields being paid for their time, effort, services, knowledge and expertise! We still have to put food on the table, keep a roof over our heads, look after our loved ones, etc., so why should we give it all for nothing when doctors, lawyers, teachers (all helpers – and all spiritual, because all we are is spirit in the end!), charge through their roofs without debate?! Many in our industry – like myself – have studied mainstream, trained for years in various esoterics, and done our dues as far as time goes with super-low-priced readings, and finding acceptance in a society that wants what we have to offer when the going gets tough, but isn’t always willing to pay for it. Our work can be exhausting, intrusive and demanding, and we deserve the reward like anyone. It’s like asking your GP to check your thyroid out of hours – we aren’t on call with our spiritual/esoteric tools 365/24/7.  As my Reiki teacher/friend’s Buddhist nun once said to her “We are spiritual beings in a physical form. The form needs bread. In the community you live in you have to pay for bread.” Respect for all Light workers.

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Oh my, another doomsday theory that this planet will demise on 21 December, 2012. This is according to the Mayan writings, that are as open to interpretation as the man-made bible.
Of course, a cosmic catastrophe via another planet is on the list, or possibly the Earth has a sudden reverse-rotation … (yawn). Here’s my take (in tune with the Death Tarot card’s meaning & the Grand Trine occurring on this day): there will be a continued shift in the collective consciousness, a continued stream of spiritual transformation, and the continued dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Enjoy!
Kris xx
Mistress of New Age