Can general communication become any more muddled than with a RETROGRADE MERCURY CONJUNCT NEPTUNE – both in PISCES? I suspect NOT! (*excuse me, while i grapple for the right word, while untangling myself from twisted conversations & confusing chats… ) ~~~ Don’t take anything said on face value – wait for the real meaning to be disclosed – because it will come out…

~ Light on
Kris  xx your Sis
Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.)
Mistress of New age
On-point Email Readings
TAAD Group (Transcend Anxiety and Depression) – ‘A TAAD closer to self-balance’




Aries March 21-April 20

Uranus challenges Pluto to transform hefty situations thrown your way, emotionally, mentally or physically, into do-able items during 2014. On the flip side, the amount of love filtering through your world should keep your domestic set-up on an even keel, while making a well-earned holiday easily top of your bill. Still in the kitchen with the Two of Cups, and this is where you kick things off with a prospective longterm partner, or rekindle the passion with your current love. Your competitive streak is in full swing, particularly when faced with a love rival, or a colleague’s attempts to match you in your work zone, during the last quarter of this year. Keep your eye on your financial ball because, despite a locked in income boost, you need to steer clear of overspending in 2014.

Personal Email Reading:

Taurus April 21- May 21

Saturn sambas with Neptune, giving your uncharacteristically messy ideas structure and prospects in 2014. As you finally boot out 2013’s Five of Swords’ angst and frustration, you are so ready to take on projects and relationships that move to the beat of ‘awesome’! Bullying has left the building, those who don’t appreciate you have bolted, and you’re up for serious progress, with the new-and-improved you steering things in a positive direction. Mid-year highlights a commitment or essential bonding session with someone super special. Kick long-distance connections to the kerb, because you are about to make things move closer to home this year, both business and love-wise. Just how you like it, Taurus.

 Personal Email Reading:

Gemini May 22-June 21

Neptune and The Moon reversed aim to give you a hard time this year, Gemini, but you won’t let them pull the wool over your darting eyes – not with so much left-of-centre assistance from Uranus. Second guess your hunches though, as you want to avoid being taken for a nasty ride early in 2014. A super-sized opportunity bounces your way mid-year, and you needn’t hesitate about sending your signature, compromising with a knowledgeable newcomer, or purchasing with the love-of-your-life. Expect to be sewing up the seams of fractured relationships in 2014 too, with some of you picking wedding outfits or tasteful (ahem!) baby names.

Personal Email Reading:

Cancer June 22-July 23

Jupiter and the Three of Coins play hard-ball with Uranus in 2014, placing travel of all denominations on your cosmic map. Physical travel could see a residential shift in the mix; while mental travel has you signing up for new training or study, with the hopes of enhancing your skill-set and pumping up your bank balance. Big things are earmarked career and/or financially in the second half of this year, but only if you do the groundwork in the first half. Expect to restructure your social life, reinvent your appearance, redefine your attitude, and rework your priority list as you gradually see what needs to change in order for you to be happy. You want things set in concrete in regards to a relationship, but it may take some strong renegotiating. Are you up for this, Cancer…?

Personal Email Reading:

Leo July 24-August23

Saturn and The Devil’s 2014 pressure means resolving those controlling emotional glitches that blocked your progress in 2013. Fortunately, Uranus helps you get on point with self-knowledge, long-range goals and a different set of values than you usually adopt. Sort things ASAP, Leo, and you are fully prepared for the opportunities that show up in the third quarter of this year. Ignore the warning signs to change, and toxic issues could creep out sideways, poisoning a love relationship or happy household in record time. Back home, and consider a Feng Shui make-over to your abode, as it will bring much-needed energy and harmony for all concerned – and you can finally breathe out!

Personal Email Reading:

Virgo August 24-September 23

Self-pleasuring Pluto and the Death card upright prepares your psyche for big transformations in 2014 of the best kind! Here’s the thing: the Plutonian force is with you – it isn’t pulling the cosmic rug from beneath your feet – so the transition will be as easy as you allow it to be. Bliss spills over into your love-life, with your desires for a do-able relationship taking shape in early-mid 2014. Despite some uncertainty or confusion in your working world, you should see a super shift taking place – once you delete a drudging position from your time-table. Be the upright Fool, Virgo, and take the risk you’ve been uncomfortably sitting on for too long!

Personal Email Reading:

Libra September 24-October 23

Jumping Jupiter continues to stream through your career and destiny zone in 2014, but you won’t get the prize unless you pull out your initiative and follow your dreams. Think Four of Wands: relocation or home expansion; but do a duck when tempted by your drug-of-choice. In fact, taking on a seriously healthy lifestyle is high on your to-do list during 2014, especially if you intend to look and feel sensational at the scheduled major event. A special introduction or to-die-for dinner date is headlined mid-late year, forcing you to make a hard decision. Don’t stay in limbo for too long, Libra.

Personal Email Reading:

Scorpio October 24-November 22

Allow Jupiter to open you up to travel, higher education and/or spiritual possibilities in 2014. Good news via the Page of Swords during the first half of the year makes it easy as to hook up with a long-distance connection or power things up with a business venture. 2014’s second half brings a good portion of your past into your present, with the rekindling of a previous passion for some, while others restore an old friendship. Get ready to glam up for a glitzy celebration to herald the coming together of a loving couple before the year’s out.

Personal Email Reading:

Sagittarius November 23-December 21

Core lessons from last year are tattooed into your brain, Sagittarius, making 2014 a time when you won’t be making such costly mistakes again. Your self-growth is seriously locked in – thanks to radical Uranus and The Tower reversed – you are ready to create the life you truly want. First to go is a flimsy relationship, which is quickly replaced by a more fulfilling partnership. Reneging on a loose financial commitment or living arrangement could be the second best thing you’ve done for a while. You need to brush off anything that pins you down or keeps you hostage in 2014.

Personal Email Reading:

Capricorn December 22-January 20

Pluto triggers the perfect storm in your personal life during 2014, Capricorn – it’s what you’ve been putting out for years. Also on board, is tongue-happy Jupiter, blowing things out of proportion – so be totally aware as things unfold. You redefine yourself this year, with your inner-stylist giving you a leg up as far as the way you present is concerned. Fresh frontiers open up on the work-front in the second quarter of ’14, but you need to have your game plan sorted to be a serious success. Finances follow suit with the Ace of Coins and Two of Cups balancing your income mid-year, coupled with an equally boosted love-life.

Personal Email Reading:

Aquarius January 21-February 19

The Empress insists you wear your ‘Domestic Goddess’ label like a crown in 2014! Your renewed appeal for a sweeter relationship situation and shared home-life is given the thumbs up by your twisted-but-sexy ruler, Uranus. As you tie up your lessons from Sister Saturn, it’s clear you can have it all! Serious love and career climbs are accentuated, particularly in the first half of ‘14, so be prepared to willingly say ‘yes’ to some wonderful proposals. Brainstorming ways to double your income through investments and raw talent work to plan. It’s like you are given back what was once taken from you. Harvest the good karma, Aquarius!

Personal Email Reading:

Pisces February 21-March 20

With Neptune safely at home, you continue to swim towards your self-created finish line in 2014; and with Saturn still on board to make your dreams a reality, anything is possible. Here’s the twist: if you lunge back into bad habits, you’re on your way to sabotaging your hard work in your career or love zone. Luckily, a home project lets your creative side rule and blows your frustrations out of the water early in ‘14. Then a work assignment goes hand-in-hand with a pay-rise and/or new job offer (Four of Coins/Six of Wands) during 2014’s third quarter. Be there when your partner or a close friend requires your services, as you leave 2014 behind – it’s who you are, Pisces.

Personal Email Reading:


©Copyright 2014 Kris Fontaine




If you are Neptunianly-challenged in your birth chart (e.g. a hard Neptune aspect to your Sun, Moon or any of the Personal Planets), or are currently experiencing a challenging Neptune Transit, Progression, or the like, things can become a little foggy on the love-front. Your emotions may be muddled, your feelings befuddled, and your state of mind may be seriously confused, particularly as far as your romantic relationships are concerned. Neptune rules romance, and romance can also involve deception, which is something Neptune knows only too well when it is involved in a hard position astrologically. It can be like you are living life underwater in some sense – which is how many sufferers of depression have explained things to feel like – all is soaked in jumbled emotions.

So it is important you pull your shutters up and look at the reality of things – check on what is really going on within yourself, and how you might be caught in a world of self-deception as far as your love-life goes. From my own challenging Neptune experience (long story short) I was heavily under the notion that someone I had been briefly involved with 5 years prior was ‘the one’ (but ended it because of a gut feeling, that I should have continued to heed in the second coming). However,  the good feelings remained for me & i Neptunianly kidded myself that the love was unrequited, when i had actually cut the link. Ergo the relationships that followed just didn’t measure up in my Neptune-driven perception – but the truth was hidden, and it was only when I chose to be in a total relationship with my supposed ‘true love’ a few years later that I saw the Neptunian Light. Often Neptune hides the truth and then does a big reveal later down the track, crashing and burning one’s original perception.

As a result of my Neptunian example above – and let me add, that the interim relationships during the 5 year period contained red alerts, as well as a lot of love, as to what I was eventually to experience – I learnt one of the biggest lessons of my life, a self-growth opportunity under the guise (and Neptune is an expert at chameleon behaviour!) of true love.

So check into your emotions: is your perception real or a serious fantasy? Is it based on unfinished issues from your family of origin…? Own it, before the dream comes crashing down… P.S. All is good on my front now, and I am thankful for the experience — you can learn to swim through those Neptunian waters 😉

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age




The Moon Square Neptune – although fleeting – may bring haunting issues from your past back on board, as you run the risk of creating emotional situations that may undermine your well being and happiness. Confusion does a touchdown, you are unlikely to see the big picture, and you could feel deceived or experience a bout of self-deception. The desire to take flight is on standby, as your sensitivity is on highbeam, and your fantasies and dreams are bracing for crash-and-burn mode.

Clearly this is the time to be definite about your actions, to get real with your dialogue, and be transparent about your intentions. Be clear about what you mean before you are misinterpreted, and ask what others mean before you misinterpret. But don’t allow anyone to pull the wool over your eyes or cave to their martyrdom/victim mentality – and don’t let yourself go there either.

Take action during this Moon square Neptune transit by blocking those from your life who refuse to respect your sensibilities. The cosmic energy right now is prone to emotional dramas and meltdowns, and this is your red light to clear the cobwebs and open your door to healthier connections. And as the haze disperses, you will understand the lesson and smile… 🙂

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

VENUS IN GEMINI: Humour = Sexy!

Loved-up Venus has just slipped into the Queen/King of Comedy sign, Gemini! So get your jokey game on guys – surprise your honey with something that will deliver a broad grin. Here’s the twist: baffling but compassionate Sister Neptune is on stand-by, so it’s important you keep things kind, loving and gentle. Any nasty tricks could see the last laugh being on you. Just sayin…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

SNAKEY 2013 = Second Stalker Alert!

Heed this little reminder Y’all… It’s Year of the Water Snake – and backing up this sly slitherer is Jupiter, maximising the two-faced side of Gemini, and a Pisces Neptune soaking in deception. Be aware of those pretending to be something they are not, bringing their baggage to your door, and/or stalking your online activity (Gemini rules media – and social media is one big playground for him!). It’s like your old boss could be on the prowl, your disdained ex or jealous rival could use a dual online name to secretly stalk you, or the gorgeous pic of the guy/girl with the ‘friend’ request could be a fake with an ulterior motive. Be aware, protect yourself, and, of course – Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Relationship Waterworks

With the Sun, Venus, Mars, & Neptune doing breast-stroke in Water sign Pisces, accompanied by Mercury and Saturn attempting back-stroke in  Pisces and Water sign Scorpio respectively, for many it’s race on to finish a dried up relationship, to stop drowning in those tears, and plunge into a more satisfying connection. For others, it’s about re-lubing a past partnership, and pressing on to moister pastures. Whichever way you are positioned, come from your heart.

2013 make it obscene…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age