CATERPILLAR TO BUTTERFLY! = Capricorn Pluto square Aries Uranus + Scorpio Saturn

With a Capricorn Pluto bringing intense situations from the past back into your zone, it’s a case of transform (Pluto) the old (Capricorn) into something brand new (squaring Uranus in Aries)! It’s all about reinventing yourself to make the old situation fit the present. And with Saturn in Scorpio also on board, we are working hard to make our old deep relating/sexual psychology take on a new Light. News is that many peeps are hooking up with past lovers in efforts to fan the flame from a better angle, tackling old jobs on a different level, making a sea/tree-change with a cooler attitude, or addressing a repetitive health issue from another slant.A quickie share: i am currently re-seeing (yes, seeing one another in a new Light – so Pluto!) someone i was involved with a few years back – we both suspected there was unfinished business (fyi our individual Saturns sit on one another’s Suns – big ‘meant to be’ and lesson-learning flavour between close associations generally), and after rebuilding a solid friendship over the last few months (so Sagittarius/Aquarius – revisit my post re Sextile Sun Signs), our intimate connection has morphed into something magical, that has been a major surprise (Uranus) to both of us! It is what it is, and it’s something special… So check how your past circumstances – relationship, work, health-linked, etc. – have been reawakened, restyled, and reborn…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


That’s the  ongoing game plan for Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn! As Uranus smashes discrimination on its head (fyi Aries rules head) and Pluto has Capricornian old-school attitudes on their knees (yep, Capricorn rules knees)… it’s like, we need to personally contribute to the necessary changes and transformations we so want by choosing to be who we truly are – and stuffing the skeptics!

So what part of yourself or your life are you hiding? What don’t you want others to know? What about yourself are you still ashamed of? What about YOU don’t you truly love? Change your stinking-thinking and be the person you know you are, so you can live and love to your own pulse!

2013 make it obscene…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Just quickly (as only a Mars in Aries girl can be ;)), the incident of the Red Comet suddenly and aggressively hitting Red Russia has to be Uranus in fast and furious Aries personified…! It’s a wake-up call, but we won’t know quite what for quite yet…

Light on…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Below is a question-come-comments from a respected blog-follower, Chelle, which i found very interesting & pertinent — my response follows:

Hi Kris, do u know much about the Regulus star? It moved from leo into virgo after 2160 years in Nov 2011 yay! n 1 day later the occupy movement began. I feel this regulus star has big influences worldwide. I know that being in the Leo spot for that long has caused all the greed around the world and the nastiness, but that is soon to change! Can you see everything falling apart? Things that held greedy businesses together? Sadly it affects the good people too like those losing their jobs. But all for the good in the end I think. With Regulus star in Virgo now, the focus is on environmental matters and people’s care and well being so a BIG yay for that! I think we won’t truly really really start to see the big differences until the babies born after 16th Nov 2011 grow up into adults. I feel a lot of the new 2011 onwards generation being born will be great people, not so many nasty people I’m hoping. I feel optimistic about our futures. Your thoughts on this? :)


Kris’ Reply:

Hi Chelle
Good question! Actually, I don’t find the Stars to have a major effect globally or personally – they may emphasise something a planet is doing, but not too much else. In 2011 Earth was getting use to Uranus’ move into Aries (after being in pipe-dreaming Pisces since March 2003), so that would have shaken up the status quo of things globally. I don’t see Leo as a greedy sign – maybe egotistical – meglomaniac-ish even – whereas, Virgo can be quite tight and bitter-tongued on the negative side. I prefer to leave the ‘doomsday’ readings to those who feel the need to go down that track, as i certainly don’t see things ‘falling apart’ globally, by any stretch of the imagination! Saturn in Libra can equal the opposite of fairness, and this would have reflected the sad job losses. Saturn is now in Scorpio, doing its job of ‘Pay-back time!’ – so the structure of things on the work-front should be pulled into line so the ‘little person’ gets a fairer go. Definitely like the idea of the focus being on environmental matters, but again, i see that as being largely due to Pluto’s tour through Sagittarius over the last few years – and now a Capricorn Pluto will calculate what needs to be done in cahoots with Saturn in Scorpio (the second-chance Sextile), and an Aries Uranus will get it done! stand with you in being optimistic about our future, and fully appreciate the angle you are looking at things from here.
2013 make it obscene…
Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Pay attention as lightening Uranus blasts through egocentric Aries – masks will be stripped, facades will be fractured, and inner thunders will be exposed – and in very leftie ways. If fakery, falseness or BS plays out, heads (Aries) will rock-and-roll! Heads of states, heads of nations, heads of companies, heads of families and heads of organisations are on high alert… All will be revealed!

2013 make it obscene…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Considered which resolutions you plan to break in 2013 – just kidding!… Seriously, Jupiter in Gemini puts communication high on the list (study on the agenda?…  big-talk time with your partner?… or possibly it’s time to say your piece to that CEO?); Saturn in Scorpio insists you make those resolutions stick (ready to give up that addiction?… set to pay off that credit card?… or geared to stay on track with a career climb?) . While Uranus in Aries throws you the wild card (brave enough to work overseas?… tagged for a tree or sea-change?… or primed to change careers?): Neptune in Pisces washes you with compassionate self-promises (up for smoothing things over with a lover?… or vowing to show your soft underbelly with a family issue?… or maybe your mind’s set on some inner peace?); whilst a Capricorn Pluto commands you to go to practical extremes (eager to pluck that naughty food from the pantry?… serious about keeping your boundaries tight with an ex?… or perhaps you want to spend less time staring at that screen?)…

Your call, your year, your happiness laying on the line!

Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Look, i’m not about to stereotype what a lesbian looks like/acts like – because gay/queer women come in all shapes and sizes, and present in a whole range of different identities… but my psychic-ability-come-gaydar switches to highbeam when i see the hypocrisy exhibited by one of the spokeswomen jumping up and down for engaging-homosexuals to receive the death penalty in Uganda ASAP. She just screams ‘CLOSET DYKE’!… her self-hatred, denial and shame must be so huge that she has to project onto others… she would get my pity for her ignorance, if she wasn’t such a deadly discriminator and full-blown phony … grrrr. Uranus in Aries, stop being so self-oriented and do your global ‘It’s-okay-to-be-who-you-are’ thing already!
Kris xx Mistress of New Age


Neptune rules what’s in fashion music-wise, while Uranus sets the trends… Listen up to the new boy/boi bands currently pouring out tear-jerker tunes in true Pisces-Neptune style, Taylor Swift plays victim to the bad boys/bois with ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’, Samantha Jade is vocally love-addicted with ‘What You’ve Done To Me’, and Bruno Mars is tragically feeling ‘Locked Out of Heaven’. 

Switch stations for Aries-Uranus style break-up songs and there’s Taylor Swift again with ‘…Never Getting Back Together’, ‘Screaming & Shouting’ with Will i & Britney, and Alicia Keys cries out ‘Girl on Fire’ … and that’s jut the mainstream stuff – and neither Neptune or Uranus are mainstream planets, so the underground tunes must be seriously love-sick! Stay tuned…

Kris xx Mistress of New Age

AIR AND FIRE UNITE – Uranus Direct!

Uranus’ tornado travel through dare-devil Aries began March 2011 and will continue until 2018. This will create change over a 7-year generation time-span, whereby this Aries Uranus makes our consciousness (personally and collectively) step up and impact our lives and planet in a dynamic way. This combination of energies can either be a cyclonic catastrophe or winds of change.

The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) will experience more dramatic modifications within self, regarding relationships and associated with career. The other members of the Fire triad (Leo & Sagittarius) will find the changes more free-flowing and less challenging, particularly in connection with personal travel on all levels and creativity of all denominations. Gemini and Aquarius receive a nice ‘second-chance’ option associated with life plans and love matters. And, last but not least, Taurus and Pisces enjoy some subtle shifts in consciousness and pleasant financial jolts.

Here’s the deal: Uranus in Aries can be all-good if you choose to see past your ego, be innovative with your actions, lose those disruptive impulses, own your trip-ups, cash in on your individuality and encompass all of who you truly are. This is a 7-year spread to take a calculated risk, jump into that scary place, promote your talents and be Number One doing it all. Go hard, go fast, and stay focussed until you get there!

Kris xx Mistress of New Age